2018.12.21 update

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this update is going to be about my hiatus and what is going to happen tomorrow***

so, peeps, i am officially coming back from hiatus tomorrow!! i am so excited for you guys to read all the chapters that i wrote over the break. i rewrote the plots for all of my books and drafted new chapters. i didn't get a lot of chapters drafted since i was really busy with my classes and other personal things. i made some decisions regarding some of my books as well.

1) if you didn't know already, "the note" has been discontinued. the book has also been unpublished from my account but, i still have the drafts of all the chapters. once i finish all of the books i am working on now, i might go back and make up a different plot for it.

2) i have decided to put "elephant lover" on hold for now. i haven't really gotten around to working on the chapters for that book but, i do have a plot for it. i will keep the book up but, it won't be a priority for now. sorry about that >.<

3) the two main books that i have decided to work on for right now are "he didn't love me" and "stupid". i have a clear idea of what i want to do for those two books so i have decided to spend my time for those two. i also want to finish them soon so i can work on the others. "he didn't love me" and "stupid" will have an update schedule! the update schedule for "stupid" is the same as last time. it will be updated every wednesday. "he didn't love me" will be updated every friday. one chapter will be published each week unless stated otherwise :)

4) i do have two other books that i have in mind to work on. i have mentioned them in my bio and in another update chapter. they are "foreign" and "snapchat". i will publish the introduction for "snapchat" after new years. i haven't been able to think of anything to write for "foreign" yet but, i do have a couple of chapters ready for "snapchat". i am really excited to write both of these books and share them with you guys :D

i also just finished all of my exams just two days ago! i'm pretty sure i failed. it also snowed a bunch over where i live, which caused school to be cancelled for about a whole week. i enjoyed the snow while it lasted. i'm also getting a new phone today! so much fun. i hope everyone enjoys all the chapters that i will post and i hope everyone has a very merry christmas!


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