Page 1: I'm Of The Average

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"Don't act like you know me, like you know me tonight~"

Bobbing her head to the music, a girl of short stature aggressively bounced her left leg, as it was her odd habit. A BIC marker was held in between her stubby fingers, as they carefully traced the surface of her large drawing pad. The music in her ears allowed her to isolate herself from the world around her. It was basically her and the imagination her own mind crafted second by second. She was freely illustrating an image of one of her favorite characters. There was no nuisance to destroy her atmosphere. No siblings creeping around her, no restrictions, and not even a chore. A smile traced her face, as the present outcome of her artistic vision seemed wonderful.

She sat there in silence, an aesthetic scenery created by her setting. Different sets of art tools were gathered around her, a glitter cased phone on her side, and a dull light that made drawing more enjoyable. Earphones plugged into her ears, the girl took a sigh before placing the marker down. Pushing her comparatively long raven bangs aside, the girl stared at her artwork for a moment. Alas, she broke her own silence.

"Oh my god, I drew you so gorgeous my beautiful anime husband."

The elegance that draped over the girl's figure immediately vanished, as a cheeky grin replaced her delicate smile. The drawing pad set ahead of her was soon taken into her bruised hands, only for her to tenderly place it on the left side of her chest. "I knew my bud was right when she told me to watch the show your in, Yuno." The girl blissfully caressed the sheet of thick paper, setting it ahead of her gaze. It had probably been the first time that she had properly drawn the anatomy of a hand, and that had made the girl named Mai proud of herself.".

You might wonder who this girl named Mai is. How old is she, where does she live, and exactly what is she like? Well, she's me.

All along, I was the girl named Mai. I was the supposedly elegant-looking young lady who was busy in her 'aesthetic' setting. Truth be told, I'm the complete opposite of what the average eye would see. I, a thirteen year old girl was never as mature as my parents expected. I, a Virgo, was never so clean and graceful as expected. I, Mai, was never what everyone thought. I was just a hopeless girl who had immersed herself into fairy tales and imaginative worlds. I spent too much of my time admiring humans who weren't real, and too many tears on losing hope in actual reality.

And here I was, looking at an artwork of my favorite character, with glee in my orbs, and ecstasy in my grin. I felt as if I were brought to life again just by looking at the 2D image of a non-existent character. I knew how wrong I was by doing this, but there was no harm in doing so, was there?

Sighing, I placed my drawing pad on the table ahead of me. After a few minutes of blank staring, I decided to settle with my masterpiece for today. Tilting my head from my seat, I noticed that my mother was already in process of turning the TV off, alongside gathering my siblings to head upstairs. Acknowledging that she'd call my name next, I took my earphones out of my ears, keeping my thumb pressed on a button to turn them off. Locking my mother's phone, I started to set my markers back into the carousel storage they belonged to.


Clutching my ears from my mom's racket, I rolled my eyes. I was able to tell the future now. Placing the markers back into their rightful place above a shelf, I made an attempt to trick-shot my pencil into the little pencil holder on the left of the shelf. Thankfully, it landed right where I wanted it. Taking a few glances of the table I left, I exited the nook room after I checked it was clean. My mom had already walked upstairs, as she knew I wasn't afraid of being left downstairs in the dark.

Appearing from the shrouded darkness of the first floor, I headed straight for my room, immediately dropping my weight onto my bed. The drawing pad I brought along was tossed onto my side table, as I relaxed all of my sore muscles. My view only consisted of my popcorn ceiling and the connected rods of my carriage-shaped bed. It was a childish thing for me to own, but I had to deal with the circumstances of my family. Adjusting my gaze a little lower, my small fish tank had come into view, whereas I found my fish creating a bubble nest. Smiling, I raised myself towards the tank.

"Hope you're happy, Shoto."

Lightly tracing my finger against the glass, I mustered up enough energy to launch myself off of my cooling gel mattress. Stretching my arms, my gaze trailed over to the pile of clothes hanging behind my door. Dropping my shoulders, I lazily trudged towards the garments. "I need to do the laundry....."


"My love is on fire, Now burn baby burn, Buljangnan~"

Vocalizing the melody of one of my favorite Black Pink songs, I was stretched over my bed, all lights shut besides the small Turtle night light at the doorstep of my room. My mother and sisters were already fast asleep, but the idea of sleeping slightly differed with my body. I would utilize this time of peace for my mind to float around in my world of fandoms and discussions held with the people I've talked with. Recently, I've been more into the manga Black Clover, so I allowed myself to wonder about the story line.

I never understood why many people didn't like the show in general. It was occasionally because of animation inconsistencies and Asta's screaming, but there was more than just that. People should just read the manga, for animators can't draw everything perfect, can they? Shifting my position in my bed, a grin crossed my teeth, as I lightly chuckled. "How can the anime be bad if they have such good characters...." I spoke to myself before shutting my eyes. "Heh, like Yuno." I finished off my sentence, only for me to barely notice my consciousness drift away.

"I think she's waking up."

"I hope she's alright."

Hearing a few unfamiliar voices, I felt beams of light seeping through my shut eyelids. Squinting my lids from the discomfort, I attempted to let my orbs reveal what was happening around me. Slowly allowing my vision to clear up, I found a pair of green eyes staring right into mine. Blankly staying in my position, my brain attempted to process what was happening. No one in my family had green eyes, so who in all of universe was this. Neither did any of my familiars or friends have eyes of this color. An uneasy feeling dwelling up to my chest, I was frightened from my current situation.

"Wh-Who are you?"

My voice was rather inaudible, as my dry lips were a drawback. My blurred vision attempted to clear up, but my fists were too stiff to assist me either. Hearing a few shifted movements from the people around me, I heard a voice. "Asta! Move aside. You're scaring her." It was young masculine voice that spoke up. Probably a kid around the age of ten? However, who was he talking about. The one with green eyes? Bringing myself to realization, my eyes slowly widened.


(Guess who's writing another one of these ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Well it is me, and you can expect this one to get updated a lot!)

(Sorry if you all are annoyed of me writing stuff like this, but it's kind of like a stress relief guilty pleasure for me you could say.)

(Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this story, where I, Mai, am left in the world of Black Clover!)


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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