25 [Season 3 Premiere]

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The All Boys School 25

PoV: Jamie:


Well apparently you're not supposed to start off a new season with one of the worst cuss words, but y'all can go fuck yourselves if you think I give a flying fu-

"Would you stop moping for two seconds and tell me how big his dick actually is?" I am shaken out of my bed by Roady, who has come to find me after I skipped breakfast and told Oli to fake sick for me.

"We fucked, Roady," I grumble, glaring up at him. He's actually a very attractive male when he's not disgusting, which is rarely ever.

Roady looks unamused by my statement. "I know. Oli texted me about it." I scowl, sitting up and feeling how messed up my hair is. If I don't get it cut soon I'll start to look like Robby.

Oh god, Robby.

"Yeah, you remembered your side hoe Robin didn't you?" How is this man such a fucking psychic? "Yeah, well, you're going to need to tell him that you fucked the Oligarchy." Roady shoves my phone into my face, and I sigh, dialing Robby's number. "Wow, that was easier than I thought." Roady harrumphed, plopping down next to me on the bed.

It takes Robby one ring before he picks up. "Hey Jamie, I know what this is about. I know about the swim treat retreat standards, and I know this call is to probably tell me you fucked Oli, and I want you to know that I've accepted that and I've forgiven you because I think you're dope." Wow, Robby's on it.

"You were a bitch to me until about a month ago, so that was your punishment." I sniff, glancing over at Roady who shrugs.

"I get that. I just want you to know that it doesn't change my feelings for you, or my respect for you, and if you still choose Oli I would like to remain friends- without the benefits part, of course." Okay, hold the phone- wait, not literally.

"What the shit why are you being so nice to me stop I'm trying to be petty and get you back for being an asshole stop." I ramble, feeling Roady's stifled laughs shaking the bed beneath us.

"I like you, Jamie, all of your entire being, and I don't expect you to change for me. I'm willing to wait for you." That's- wait- I'm trying to make an easy decision- "Also, Oli is engaged to a woman." And I drop my phone.

PoV: Robin:


It's actually kinda sad though, I think Jamie did genuinely like Oli and vice versa. But you can't just keep a secret like that!

I mean yeah, I feel kinda bad for Oli, the dude does genuinely care for Jamie, but he's engaged, and it's a binding contract. How do I know? Well, I fucked Oli's sister.

KIDDING! KIDDING! Geez, you guys take things way too seriously.

Now, everyone keeps asking me: why are you such an asshole, asshole? And the answer is: repression and parented homophobia. I wish I had been able to come out earlier, but you know how some die-hard Republicans and Christians can be. My parents are a combination of the two, in the worst way possible. When I dyed my hair they threw a huge fit and had me wear hats whenever I was around them. I was raised to be racist, homophobic, LGBTQ+ phobic, and sexist. It was just great, really. (That was sarcasm, by the way.)

So it was kind of hard for me to get over that and actually be okay with my sexuality. I'm not saying it was okay for me to be a little bitch, but that's why I was. I'm trying my best not to be anymore, but it's kind of hard to get rid of after seventeen years of it.

That being said, I'm kind of head over heels for Jamie. He's basically my ideal type, and just an all around great guy. If he gave me the chance, I would never stop trying to make up for being asshole. He deserves so many great things, and while I'm definitely not the best, Im pretty sure I'm better than Oli, who has been lying to him the entire time about his relationship status. I still would like to remain his friend, though, since I've never met anyone like him.

I just hope he chooses me.

PoV: Jamie:

"What in the actual fuck, Oliver?" I snarl, arms crossed as he closes the door behind him. I had decided to let Roady stay in the room as well, under the condition that he stay clothed. He had wanted to shove his ass in Oli's face, but I had convinced him not to.

"What? What's going on?" His eyes began to widen as he looked back forth between Roady and I's furious faces.

"You've been engaged to a woman this whole time?" As I speak, I can see it in his face the 'oh shit I've been caught' as well as the devastation. How does he think I feel? He cheated on that woman with me, and I didn't even know. That's beyond fucked up.

"It's an arranged contracted marriage. I didn't get to consent to it. I get to stay here until I'm twenty-two, but then I have to go marry this random girl in Canada that I've never even met. I'm just trying to live my life until then." I could tell how desperate he was- hell, the guy had even started crying. It was like he hadn't hidden something like for me for a long time. Me being trans wasn't even close to having a contracted marriage. You just don't hide that shit. You just don't.

PoV: Oli:

~Eight Months Ago~

"Fucking tryouts man, ugh, I won't be able to walk straight all week." Josh gasped, throwing his head back as we stood at the edge of the pool, waiting for our next instructions. My high school swim team is one of the best, so we're shoo ins for the elite private schools.

"Franklin! Barnes! Get in separate lanes and race!" We both groaned, splitting up as the other guys parted for us to take out positions. We climbed onto our starting blocks, pulling out goggles back down over our eyes. "3!" Damn these countdowns are so fucking slow. "2!" Hurry the fuck up and let me swim already. "1!" It's game time whores. "GO!"

Swimming comes almost as naturally to me as breathing does. Carving through the water like it's the oxygen blazing through my lungs, arms and hands like knives that slice faster and faster, feet like propellers shooting me forward. It's breathing. Stroke, pull, kick, stroke, pull, kick, and repeat over and over again. I could never get tired of this. The smell of chlorine. Getting all pruny after a long practice and staying that way for hours. The burn of the exercise that lingers for days but feels so damn good, so damn right, all at the same time.

"FRANKLIN!" I heave for breath, pulling my body out of the water as the instructor declares me the winner.

"It's not even a competition at this point, why do they keep on working him?" The murmurs of my teammates yank me back to the present, where I feel my muscles sing in joy at being able to just stand still for a couple seconds as Josh pulls himself out of the water to stand beside me. "Good job, both of you. Expect your acceptance letters in the mail within the next month." The instructor patted my shoulder and ignored Josh's, turning to my other teammates. "The rest of you are dismissed! Your times and efforts will be weighed, and you'll hear back from us within the next few months!" I remember being like those kids. Not being good enough to get the special treatment. Not feeling like I'm the best on the team.

Humility, Oli. Sportsmanship first, pride later. That's the Franklin Family way. Just because I got accepted doesn't mean I'll be the best on the team.

{Spoiler alert: I am also the best on the All Boys team as well, what a shocker ;)}

In the locker rooms I am approached by Daniel, the third place on our high school team. He's a senior, and I'm a junior. He didn't get the guaranteed fast pass.

"Good job, Tyler. You deserve it." He shakes my hand, and I hear a scoff from my right. I turn to see Asher, number four, glaring at Daniel.

"How can you say that to him? He got a fucking pat on the shoulder. I should've known he was a kiss ass. Now he's taken your place, Daniel, and Josh mine." With that he turns to me, eyes searingly cold. "Once you leave this team, you never come back, you hear me? If you do I'll box your teeth in." He snarls, and I nod slowly, grabbing my stuff. I'm not even going to bother showering now.

"I hear you. Goodnight," I turn and leave, hearing Asher's jeering follow me out.

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