Richtofen Story Part 5

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The doc had my hands tied around my back after he just cut my face up with a goddam knife. Why the hell did I agree to this. I cant even trust this pig, hes a Nazi. For all I know he could actually hang me or better yet have a group of soldiers waiting for me once I sneak out. If I die I'm going out swinging. He led me down so many halls that I lost track of how many times we turned. The lights were so bright they were giving me a headache and the place smelled of a hospital. We passed a few other Nazis that stopped and questioned him but I kept quiet. I didnt wanna die just yet, but when one of them was approaching us I could have sworn he said

"Great. What's that psycho up to now"

But he greeted the doc with a smile. Maybe this shit he put in me is making me crazy or maybe I can read minds. Nope. Definitely going crazy.
We finally wound up near the exit, I assume in the back, and he whispered the plan in my ear again. He opened the huge doors and shoved me through them. He then pulled me through their little parking lot and put me behind a tree.

"Now, you go straight through to the other side of these woods and you'll wind up a little down the way from a guard post. I will come around and pick you up without them noticing. Now go!"

He cut the ropes around my hand and started walking towards his car. I kept low and walked through the mud. There were bugs everywhere so I pulled my damage shirt up to my mouth to help protect it. I managed to get through the woods because it wasnt that big and when I looked to my right I could see the gaurd post so I hid behind a tree and waited till I heard a car. A few seconds later I heard a car coming up slowly so I peeked around from the tree and could see the Nazi through the window. I came out from behind the tree and he pulled up close and gestured for me to hop in. I ran over to the car and jumped in. He then drove off.

Richtofen POV
She can read minds? And she didn't tell me sooner. Is that why the eyes are purple? DOES SHE KNOW WHAT I'M THINKING OF RIGHT NOW. does she know I can't fix her?

"Um can you read my mind?" I ask her.

"No. And I don't think I wanna know what you're thinking." she said.

Before I knew it we were at my house. I pulled in the drive way and we got out of the car. I go up to the door and let her inside.

"Nice place for a psychopath." she said while looking around the place.

"Says the one who can read people's minds."
She turned around and glared at me.

"You're the one who injected me you psycho."

she said and went to grab my neck again. I grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"You are NOT doing this in MY home. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. Maybe in my office but NOT in my home." I demanded.

She seemed shocked.

"You could have stopped me all this time?" she asked.

"No. This time I was just prepared." I said while smiling.

I put my coat up on the rack and walked over to the kitchen and Y/N followed behind me.

"Look, I'm sorry about the clothes. And the knife" I said

"I'm in the fucking military. You think I'm not used to that kinda stuff. Just because I'm female doesn't make me weak." she said sternly.

"Well yes. I'm just apologizing." I said while getting out some wine and cheese.

"Whatever. What do you have to eat Richtofen?" she asked

She finally said my name. Loosening up maybe?

"Wine and cheese." I said while pouring some in a glass for her.

"How'd we go from enemies to this?" she asked.

"You know what I don't know. So lets just take the time to talk now."I said and walked over to the couch.
I sat down and put the cheese plate on the coffee table and the two wine glasses next to it.

"Come sit." I said

She came over and sat next to me on the couch. She picked up the glass of wine and eyed it carefully.

"You saw me pour it." I stated while setting my glass down.

"I know. Doesnt mean you couldn't have slipped something in it." she said while setting hers down next to me.

I leaned over and picked up her glass and took a sip out of it.

"Fine. We will switch."

I said while leaning back on the couch. She picked up the glass and started drinking.

Okay so I changed the way of writing. When I was writing in Y/N I was saying "you" but I prefer "I" I feel it puts you in the story more. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy.

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