He Coming...

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A/N hey umm... before we start I just want to say that if I'm gone than I am grounded because I am in middle school and horrible in math and many other subjects my best is social study's...so umm in joy

Denis's pov

   Hi I'm denis and as you probably know I'm a famous youtuber and my friend are corl aka Braeden, sketch aka elijah, alex,and sub I've known them for a long time but today I'm telling them secret you might be wondering 'what is this secret of yours denis' well I have a umm... a son he's like 19 or 20 can't remember because I haven't seen him since he was 1 or 2 but he's coming to live with me and I want my friend to meet him! I get on my phone and go to my group chat with the rest of the pals(D-denis, A-alex, S-sub, Sk-sketch, C-corl)

D:hey guys do you want to come over, I have some one I want you to meet!!

A: Sure, sounds fun!!

Sk: ok, who is dis person??

D: uhh...You'll see when you get here...

S+C: Ok!!!

A: what time??

D: 5 ish

Everyone: Ok!

Austin's pov

Hi I'm Austin and you don't know me here's facts on me I have brown hair with white in it, I'm tall and skiny, my friends are Marah, Grace, Lamie, and Jasmine and I'm gay...my dad doesn't know and I plan to tell him sometime will I'm there I just want to see my dad.

Time skip

I pull in to his drive way and get out I'm wearing ripped black pants and a light blue t-shirt with a blue and purple backpack on, I go up to the door and knock. I wait there for a couple minutes until someone answers the door. I see a guy with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes "hi are you denis?" I say he smiles and says "yeah you must be Austin ah I missed you..." and hug me I hug back he tall and warm, it's nice to hug my dad.

Denis's pov

I was sitting on the couch and then heard a knock at the door, I got up and opened the door and there stood guy brown hair with white in it and blue eyes "hi are you denis?" He says in kind of a sweet voice "yeah you must be Austin ah i missed you..." I say and hug him, he almost as tall as me and kinda cold "Come in please you feel cold" I say getting out of the way of the door. He comes in says "thank you um where do I stay cuz um I'm tired..." "umm...you can stay down stairs, are you hungry I can get food." I say trying to be nice no not really but I am really tired so, "I'm going to get my stuff out of my car, change and go to sleep...is that ok?" He replies "yeah that's fine, my fiends are coming over at 5 ish so...ummm yeah" I say  "ok" he says as walks out the door and comes back in with two suitcases "night" I say as he walks to the stairs leading downstairs I see he waves goodbye and walks downstairs.
Time skip

  It 5:00 now and I heard a knock at the door, I opened it and saw alex, Braeden, elijah, and sub. I let them in and I heard elijah say " so where is this person you want us to meet?" I reply "downstairs taking a nap, he flew all the way from LA so he's tired..." "So this person is a he what's  his name??" Alex said "Austin, he live with his friends in LA and did youtube with them to." "Oh ok,can we meet him now?" "Oh yeah I'll go get him!" I say then turn and walk downstairs, I see that Austin is sleeping so I walked over to him and shake him until he woke up "what do you want" he says and sits up " I want you to meet my friends" I reply "ok now go away so can get dressed!" He half yells getting frustrated. "Ok hurry up though" I walk back upstairs and sit on the couch next to Braeden

Hey guys I umm well I guess I will se you in the next chapter

                Austin out!!

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