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Great! I didn't have my lunch because of this stupid papers and because of that stupid brat Minji ! I'm still in my class and I'm quite hungry. I have  20 minutes more before hell starts. Let's go grab some food , tummy!
I put my things in my bag and head down to the canteen.

— canteen —

Oo glad that there are still some cookies left. I grab a pack of cookies and a yogurt and pay .

" sohyeon!" Someone yelled my name. I don't need to turn my head to look who is it because it's Chittaphon. I knew it was him. I don't have mood now Chittaphon. Go away .

"Sohyeon wait! Oi !"
I stop in my track and turn around with what-do-you-want face while sipping my yogurt.
" i heard that you got yourself into detention."
"So? And correction.  it's not me who get myself into that damn detention. I'm not stupid to waste my time with that. It was your girlfriend who got me into detention" i said while rolling my eyes .
"It's not her fault okay? Maybe she didn't see you there. You should be careful next time." Chittaphon said with a soft voice. Argh why did you do this to me? I can't handle it. "Besides, i know that she's not like that, she's kind and she is..."
"Okay I don't have time for your description about her. I'm not all ears on things like this . Im going now" i cut him off and walk away. I don't want to hear him talking about Minji all the time . He even said it's not her fault . You were not there Chittaphon, you were not there .

I get into detention and place my bag on the chair. I noticed that there is a bag on the chair next to me. But who is the owner? I don't want to pay attention to that so i take out my paper and start writing . After a few minutes , there's someone walking to the class.

"Ooh Sohyeon in da house yo !"
"Shut up Taeyong , this is my first time okay?" I said while chuckling.
"So , didn't send your works eh?" Taeyong said while sitting in front of me.
"I did it. It was just a dumb woman who poured coffee on it" i continue writing.  "Is it just us here? Where's the teacher?"
"Nope ,, Yeri is here but she went out to buy some bread . The teacher? He went out for a while taking his book because i refused to take them for him."
"U lazy rat . Haha! Then why you didn't go with your girlfriend, yeri?"
"Ah, I went to the toilet and she insisted to go by herself"

"Ooh Sohyeon is here !"
There she is . Yeri . Taeyong's girlfriends .
" here , i knew you are here so i bought extra bread for you" yeri hands me the bread .
"Oh how did you know ?"
"Oh cmon the whole school knew" Yeri chuckles softy.

Great . Now everyone knows.

First time in detention? It's not that bad, maybe because Yeri and Taeyong were there and we talked a lot. I sent my assignment to Mrs Kim aka the lion and walk back home. Im so tired that i sleep until the next morning.

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