Chapter 2.

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Diana opened her eyes, blinking once, then twice. It was dark, probably midnight or just a little after midnight. She stared up at the pitch black sky in wonderment, her lips parting in awe. She was never allowed out of the Sanctuary at night, so this was the first time that she has seen so many twinkling stars. A smile spread out across her mouth. A soft snap of twigs and a crunching sound echoed throughout the air. The sound alone sent a shiver to crawl up her spine. Diana froze, her heart beating loudly against her chest. Moving into a sitting position, she moved her head to the direction in which the sound came from. 

"Mommy?" she asked, whimpering out the word. 

But her mother was not there, instead the sound of footsteps came closer and closer. In a sharp movement that caused the wind to exit her lungs, she found herself on her feet and in a scared dash to get away from whatever was getting closer to her. Her confused mind thought back to the last thing she remembered. I was with Axel, she thought. I touched Seraphiel's sword. Diana gasped. That's how I ended up here! 

Tears sprung from her eyes as her feet carried her little body to safety. Due to only being a mere pup, she was able to use her special abilities, however, she was not able to make use of her Lycan abilities. She was running around like a blind bat. The thick, lush and dark trees created shadows on the soil beneath her feet. It made her skin crawl. How she wished she could have her mother's arms around her and have her father chase away whatever was making it's way towards her. The footsteps ceased. Diana stopped. Don't take another step, they will hear you, her mind warned. Stay still. Stay calm. She strained her ears to try and detect any sounds coming towards her. She heard nothing. Everything was silent. Fear clogged her throat. 

The air smelled damp and a thick cloud of mist crawled towards her small frame. The white blanket of mist was a threatening presence. Swallowing hard, Diana's feet moved back on their own accord. Her foot landed on a fallen twig and the sound of the small branch breaking in half thundered through the night. Her eyes widened owlishly. Turning around to make a run for it, her small frame collided with a hard thigh. Falling to the ground, she let out a loud wail as her elbow connected with a rock that was shielded by the mist. Diana could feel the skin on her elbow tearing open as warm liquid seeped out of the opening. A thick cloud of mist moved over her body, covering her legs, then her waist. A feeling of being held and choked came over her body and immediately her blurry eyesight noticed the tall, imposing figure hovering above her like a shadow from one of her nightmares. 

Forgetting about the tight and restricting feeling of ropes fastening around her tiny body, Diana continued to stare at the figure that stood as still as death. Her mouth opened as she gulped in a huge puff of air to fill her lungs as pain seeped into her head. She felt dizzy as black spots began to dance before her eyes. The figure floated towards her, it's presence dark and gloomy. Diana fought to keep her eyes open, shaking her head to refuse the wave of sleepiness that overtook her body and mind. One eyelid closed automatically, but she felt determined to keep the other open. Her entire body twitched and jerked as the ropes tightened around her and the mist was slowly crawling upward, almost kissing her lips. 

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