Prologue Edited

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"Thanks a lot Dorea. It really means quite a lot to us that you agreed to babysit the boys at the last minute" Lily thanked her mother-in-law.

"Nonsense, the boys are my grandchildren. Now, you guys need to visit Sirius. The poor darling's been in such a state after he heard about Regulus. Sirius is my son too you know, and he needs James now" Dorea comforted the muggleborn girl who, by the past few years, had become a daughter to her.

James grinned at his mum. He hugged his first born, Jacob, to his chest. Jacob Charlus Potter was named after his Great grandfather and grandfather. Harry was named after Lily's dad.

Lily put an already asleep Harry in his cot. She climbed down the stairs and smiled at the sight of her mother-in-law cooing at Jacob.

Jacob's lower lip trembled as he saw that they were leaving.

"Aww... Baby... Don't cry. Mumma and Dadda are going to visit your brother's godfather and will come back soon" Lily comforted him and left with James.


Dorea was playing with her grandson as she wondered about the sudden change of secret keepers. The Pettigrew boy, in her opinion, was not an ideal choice. He was a timid little thing after all. She didn't know how right she was, but her reasoning was incorrect.


"Step aside, you'll have more grandchildren than the brat. You are a pureblood and a Black. You will have a position in my ranks. All you need to do is step aside" Voldemort offered.

"I will not. Take me instead. Don't kill a child.... Please have mercy" Dorea pleaded. 'Please let the monster think that Harry is with his parents. Please let Harry be asleep for a little while longer. Please don't let him cry' she prayed desperately.

"Avada Kedavra"

Dorea Potter née Black, daughter of the noble and ancient house of Black and wife of Charlus Potter was dead before her body hit the floor.

'Two more to go, and there will be no threat to his power, ever again'.

"Avada Kedavra"


Lily screamed as she saw the state of the house. James and Sirius could only stare, shocked and dreading what they would find instead.

James collapsed in a heap on the ground. His mother and children were both in there.

Sirius felt as if he was gutted. The change of secret keepers.... Suggested by him.... All his fault...... The Blacks destroyed everything they touched, the bullies' words at Hogwarts....

Nobody noticed Albus Dumbledore apparating onto the scene.

Shrieks of pure pain was filled in the air, similar to someone being crucioed, by Lily. A mother's agony. She had curled upon the ground as a ball and was shaking with each sob, her whole frame trembling. Her world was inside the destroyed house, it had fallen apart.

Dumbledore laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, remembering Ariana, whom he never appreciated until he lost her. At his touch, Lily jerked up and ran into the house.

James, Sirius and Dumbledore followed.

Horror met them as they saw Dorea's body. Jacob was hugging his grandmother's lifeless body in hysterics. His forehead was bleeding.

"Where's Harry ?" Lily gasped through her tears. There was no relief that Jacob was alive. Dorea's body had taken care of any other emotion than grief.

Sobs echoed from the nursery. Lily rushed upstairs and grabbed her child.

Dumbledore was inspecting Jacob. When Lily came, he straightened up.

"James, Lily.... There's something you need to know"


One and a half years ago

Lily had married Potter. She had left him and married that toerag. It had really registered today. He had seen them in Diagon Alley. She had a slight baby bump and clung to Potter's hand.

He had felt nothing but revulsion. The images of Potter with her, it was killing him from the inside.

He swore he'll be successful. Make her regret what she chose. Love and hate had a fine line between them.

He'll let that drive him.

"How about I help you with it?" a mesmerising voice asked him suddenly.

Severus Snape looked up from the bottle he was drowning in.

He was a spectacular occulumens. He had natural mind power which meant that he could see through the Mist.

The woman in his room was clearly more than human. Though she looked like Lily right now, her looks were changing per second.

"My lady, you are?" he toasted her, unable to impolite to such an exquisite woman, even if she just barged in without invitation.

"I am Aphrodite, goddess of love. I am impressed by your story, it isn't often that people hear a compliment from me. I have decided to reward you. You'll have a child from me. A girl so beautiful that it will be easy to fall for her. She will be destined to break the heart of James Potter's son "

Severus could do nothing but smile. Finally, things were going his way. He asked for the help of Lucius Malfoy in starting his own business of potions. Lucius gladly gave him a startup loan.

Blessed by the goddess he had immediate success. Aphrodite simply refused to take Lily's form again. Her daughter's looks will not be based on another woman's appearance. She took the form of a beauty that made veelas look like gargoyles. She had golden hair when the conception took place.

She told Severus that the child will have his hair colour and brilliance.

Severus set on a way to make his economical situation worthy of the daughter of Aphrodite to grow up in.

Nine months later after that fateful day when he met the goddess of love. She had departed after bestowing upon him this gift.

Amelia Eileen Snape had amethyst coloured eyes and raven black hair.

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were proud godparents of the most beautiful baby girl they've ever seen.

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