Christmas Present (Namjoon)

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"And what the fuck is this?" Y/N asked, holding up a few pieces of wide ribbon.

"It's your gift! To Namjoon hyung!" replied Jungkook, smirking widely. It was the Eve of Christmas, and Y/N had unintelligently asked him to assist in preparing a gift for Namjoon.

" this to wrap up my present?" Jungkook stared at her in disbelief, an eyebrow raised.

"You, being the present, yes." Y/N's face turned scarlet at the thought.

"What is your problem?! We've literally never even had sex!" Jungkook clapped his hands.

"You're welcome, then. Here, put it on. Take off your clothes, girl, just take it off. Namjoon hyung's gonna beat that pu-"

"Okay, and I don't know how, but I'm blocking you in real life." Jungkook snorted. Y/N began taking off her clothes, Jungkook watching, unamused.

"Have you ever done that in front of Joon hyung? Jesus, no wonder you guys haven't had se-"

"Shut your whore mouth and hand me the stupid fucking ribbon before I choke you with it."

"Let me help your stupid ass." Jungkook stared at Y/N naked, slightly fanning himself. He took the red ribbon and hung it over her shoulder, telling Y/N to wrap it under her woman hood and to come back around from the back to the front. He took the other end and covered her nipples, around her back, and back to the front. He did a criss-cross over her abdomen before finishing with a bow on top of her chest. "Check it out in the mirror."

Y/N unknowingly strut over to the mirror, really just walking in discomfort as Jungkook's eyes followed her. He left out a heavy sigh he didn't know he was holding in, silently. The way the ribbon followed the perfect curve of her ass and the thought of how easily the ribbon would fall to the floor at the softest tug had Jungkook's mind running wild with lust.

"Okay, you look hot. Like...damn. Sexy. I take back every insult I've said to you. If you spit on me right now I'd say thank you." Y/N turned around with incredulousness on her face before the two of them burst out with laughter.

"This is actually ridiculous. I think Joon is going to laugh...and then start crying from laughing so hard. Mood would be dead. Sex would be put off until we're 30." she sighed. Jungkook gave her a look.

"You look fucking hot. What. The LAST thing he's going to do is laugh. Hell, I think you're repulsive but if you did THIS for me even I'd-"

"What would you do, Jungkook?" Both heads shot towards the door, Y/N gulping, Jungkook sweating.

Namjoon stood at the slightly creaked open door, with nothing but curiosity and amusement evident on his face.

"I'd leave because I respect loyalty. See ya!" and in a flash, he darted out of the room, leaving Joon in the doorframe, and Y/N awkwardly playing with her hands in front of the mirror. Namjoon walked in and closed the door behind him, locking it. He dropped his bag on the floor and in what seemed like a second was directly behind Y/N.

"So, what'd you do today baby?" he asked, putting both his hands on Y/N's waist, nipping at her neck. She gulped.

Namjoon never showed himself to be the jealous type in the three years they had dated. He never blinked when another member put an arm around Y/N, or sat elsewhere because every seat by her was occupied. It didn't bother Y/N, but she was always curious. He was never extremely touchy either, handholding and kissing was the norm. He always stopped them when making out became too heavy. So to have him holding her the way he was, tasting her the way he was, and with what she was wearing, to say the least.

"Merry...uhm...Merry Christmas Eve, oppa." she smiled nervously, rubbing her hands together.

"Did you and that little brat have fun?"


"Sure seems like you did." she choked out a laugh nervously as he began giving the slightest tug to the end of the ribbon that would unwrap his gift, as his other hand began roaming her body.

"I know this is cheesy...but it really wasn't what it looked-"

"I know. I was there from the beginning. You guys should really remember to at least close the door." she turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck, surprising him.

"So, you're not mad?" he smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. 

"Of course not baby, I know you two are just unaware." he snorted. He stared at the mirror, admiring the curvature of her ass, his breathing becoming slightly heavier. "Jungkook was right though, the last thing I want to do right now is laugh. You look...enticing. Ethereal. Angelic in the most sinful way possible. You-"

"Thank you, oppa. Please stop." he chuckled, rubbing her lower back, just slightly touching her ass.

"I really wanted to be patient, I thought I was moving too quickly in the past, but perhaps I took too long, hm?" he pulled the ribbon, leaving her gasping and attempting to cover herself. He restricted her hands and held them spread out with one hand, cupping her face with his other hand.

"What are you doing, oppa..."

"I can't stand here and tell you every time you call me oppa I don't love it. Every time Jungkook holds your hand and drags you to Taehyung who jumps up and basically cuddles you in front of me really sets me off sometimes, especially coming home from a practice that lasted all day. Jimin and you sitting too close on the couch, leaning his head on your shoulder and an arm around your waist. You jumping on Hoseok's back and wrapping your arms and legs around him. Yoongi ruffling your head, smiling, more affection than he would show any other girl. Even putting his arm around you sometimes. Jin and you cooking together, pretending be husband and wife."


"Don't get me wrong, it doesn't bother me all that much. I was told I was too jealous in the past, and tried to move too quickly. I really love you...I just couldn't risk messing this up. But, there's always such a thing as moving too slowly, isn't there? I can't wait for your submissive ass to initiate everything, or stop you every time I even slightly think you're forcing yourself, huh?" She kept her head low, staring at their socks, ears extremely hot, her face a marvelous shade of red, breathing through her mouth unknowingly.

"I love you too, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, baby. I should thank Jungkook for this, eventually. Really. But not tonight. I promise I'm going to take care of you and show you what it's like."

"What what's like?" he smirked at her innocence, nodding at her to lay on the bed.

"Don't ask questions you know the answers to, baby girl." Namjoon responded, as he hovered over her, leaning in to kiss her.

**WHEEWW didn't know what that was. Nojams jokes. Sry.

**I can't smut, sorry

**This was like entirely dialogue. I know, I hate me too.

**First Y/N story whew

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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