Something different

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Am a sweet boy and what? I am not one of them boys that are married to the roads. I haven't got a child or wifey but am on the look out for one. There is one girl that has caught my eye. Jesalay. She has curly hair with brown eyes. She is shorter than me which I find is really cute. We have known each other for a very long time. Our parents are kinda like best friends. I am still a virgin because i feel as if i am cheating on her if i go and have sex with another person. I never used to feel this way towards her but since she started wearing girly clothes she really has become beautiful. Not saying she wasn't before, I am just saying that i used to look at her as a little sister although we are the same age. She used to always wear tracksuit bottoms and baggy tops. But now you would catch her wearing skirts and dresses. I could never tell her how i feel because it would create an awkward atmosphere. And one more problem she didn't belong to me; by belong to me, i mean that she isn't available. She is taken by Marlon Kingston; he is respected around this neighbourhood although he is only fifteen. And then there's me. Jamal, I am popular in school like i can chill with the popular guys. But when it comes to them rolling up some where i would be the person that would have to call there mum to say that there going to a friend's house. When it comes to educational things i am actually very smart. I am predicted A* in most of my subjects. Unlike the rest i actually want to get somewhere in life.


The door slammed which caused me to snap out of my trance. I took a glimpse at the door to see who entered and it was Jesalay. Sigh. I wish she was mine; I would treat her so much better than Marlon does. Jesalay took a seat next to me but put her head down on her bag. I tapped her on the shoulder and slowly her head came up. SH*T. Her face was proper mashed up. Most people wouldn't have noticed it but i did. She tried her best to cover it up with foundation but it didn't work.

'What happened?'

'Nothing' she said bluntly.

'Seriously, you can trust me'

'Don't worry about it!' She then walked out the classroom with the teacher on her tail.

I guess am gonna have to ask her later. Am not one of them boys that would chase her out, then all you see the school call home and the next day am on the bbc news. Marlon ran out after her.

Jesalay's POV.

I walked out of class with Mrs Brown shouting my name. I took no notice till someone grabbed my hand.

'Mrs Brown i beg you get your hands of me before I-' I was cut off.

'Before you what?' I slowly turned my head around and saw Marlon staring back at me. My heart pulse started increasing and my hand started getting sweaty. This was not the person i fell in love with. He has changed since he started working on the streets; i really want to leave him but am scared what his reaction will be. He took hold of my shoulders.

'Why you making a big scene, huh?' I was too scared to reply so i kept my mouth glued.

'Am fucking talking to you!' He slapped me hard across the face, which made the corridor echo. I was surprised that none of the teachers heard. I grabbed the radiator trying to get back on my feet when he's foot met my stomach and he kicked it repeatedly. He walked off mumbling to himself. I want to leave him but i don't have enough courage too. I wish my boyfriend was a person like Jamal. He wasn't all hype and wasn't always on the street. I am guessing he would treat me right because he is a sweet boy. But I guess he doesn't see me in that way, i guess he just sees me as a friend. Nothing more nothing less.

I got up and headed to the toilets.

I took a peep at the dirty mirror and there was a hand print on the side of my face. I took out my makeup and tried my best to cover it, i thought i looked decent. So i walked back to my lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2010 ⏰

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