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Static filled Chase's ears as he processed Archie's words.

Jaegers? How?

That flyover was supposed to have been a fluke. A coincidence. How had Atlas found The Haven? And why didn't they attack earlier? A million other questions flew in and out of his brain like a crowded airfield.

Slowly, his hearing came back. Around him, everyone had exploded up from their seats and were looking to him for guidance. Even Victor seemed to be awaiting orders.

And, just like that, a switch flipped within Chase. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, dispelling the nervous energy that had threatened to take over his body. He nodded once to himself before addressing his group.

They needed to evacuate immediately.

"We prepared for this," he told them. "Remember your assignments. Meet back up at the vans in five minutes. I don't want to leave anyone behind but..." He trailed off, hoping his message would get across.

Judging by the looks on their faces, it did.

"Alright," he said. "It's go time."

They all split off into two groups, as was the protocol for their escape plan. Emily, Kai, and Mateo went straight to the training room to pick up their weapons. Danai, Andre, and Isra headed for the garage to start the van and prepare their exit. Victor, Bella, and Cassie darted to the bedrooms to grab the travel bags.

Everyone looked like they were on a mission, moving fluidly and with purpose. No one spoke as they carried out their tasks. There was no time to talk. In just a few minutes, Jaegers—and a few Atlas-employed Primes too—would be upon them.

He didn't want to be around when they arrived.

Chase turned to face the entrance of the bunker. The locked, metal door loomed large across the room. Beyond it, he could hear something banging on the metal. He gulped as his heart rate spiked.

They needed to get out of the bunker. And fast.

Just as he spun to leave, an explosion sounded. The ceiling shook, causing streams of dust to rain down onto his shoulders. Cursing, he made his way to the corridor to join the others.

He never made it, though.

The door to the entrance had been blasted off its hinges. It fell to the ground with a deafening thud. Before he could see what happened, the sound of something rolling into the living room met his ears.

"Flash out!" someone yelled from outside the bunker.

Chase dove behind a couch just as the flashbang went off. A sharp, high-pitched whine filled the room. His sight went completely white as he pressed his back against the old piece of furniture behind him. He scowled as he hid behind the sofa.

"Smoke out!"

Another grenade rolled into the room. Within seconds, thick, lime-green smoke began to expand around him. He could already feel it beginning to choke him. His eyes teared up and his nose stung with the acrid scent of whatever was in the smoke bomb.

Coughing, he covered his mouth and nose with the sleeve of his shirt.

I need to move.

He blinked a few times as he tried to focus his vision. Eventually, he spotted the hallway that would take him to the garage. If he could just make it there, he would have a shot of meeting the others at the vans.

"Move in!"


He peeked around the edge of his hiding place. Through the dense fog swirling in the air, he could see at least six agents slowly encroaching on him. Red lasers from their heavy rifles cut through the gas. They searched through the commotion for their target. Chase steadied his breathing and prepared to make a break for the corridor.

False Gods | The Prime Archives #3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now