(Almost) Blinded By Science

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Summary: When 12 year old Peter is finally allowed inside of Tony's Lab for the first time, he is beyond excited. Finally he can create super cool things just like his Dad. But in a split second, things go horribly wrong and the young Stark realizes the dangers of being an inventor first hand.

Tony just want his son to be safe and not give him more gray hair then he can count.



"Do we need to go over the rules again?"

Peter groans, tucking his face into the creases created by his arms, the counter top cool against his forehead. His Dad stands over him, his own arms crossed over his chest, and a serious expression making deep lines appear around his eyes. Taking a peak out from under his homemade cave, the 12 year old tries his hardest not to roll his eyes at the annoyed glare Tony is sending his way.

"Well?" The genius asks again, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he waits for an answer.

Peter just shrugs, his eyes lowering in submission when his father sighs, the chair next to him squeaking as the elder Stark sits down. The gentle hand that settles on his back startles the boy, and he lets out a sort of gasp, the sound ending in a high pitched giggle when his father digs his fingers into his side.

"O-okay, okay! I might need to h-hear the rules ag-again!" Peter says in between his laughter, trying unsuccessfully to push his Dad's hands away from his stomach.

Tony just chuckles, continuing to torture the boy for a few more seconds, grabbing his arm when he begins to slip off the seat from his laughter. Smoothing down the now tousled brown locks, the genius smiles gently when his boy leans into his touch, his cheeks red from his laughter and his beautiful dark eyes shining.

"Well, since you asked so nicely." The Billionaire says, face becoming serious as he grips Peter's shoulders, making sure that the tween is listening. "The Lab can be very dangerous if you don't know what you are doing. When we are in there, Peter, I need you to listen to everything I say and don't touch anything I tell you not to touch, do you understand kiddie?"

The young Stark nods, reaching out and gripping Tony's red shirt in one hand, his fingers curling around the sleeve.

"I know, Dad. You're told me this a million times." Peter says, hopping down from the seat with a muffled thump, his sneaker clad feet slapping the wooden floor.

Tony frowns, his grip on his child tightening as he forces the energetic boy still, his brows drawing together and the lines around his mouth deepening. The 12 year old's grip around his shirt hasn't loosened, and the elder Stark can tell that no matter what his child says, he is nervous about messing up. Straightening to his full (admissibly not tall) height, the Billionaire stares down seriously at his son, watching as the boy lowers his eyes.

"It doesn't matter if I've said it one time or a million times, the meaning is still the same. While we are in the Lab, you need to be careful and watch what you are doing at all times, okay?"

Finally, Peter just answers with a soft "Yes, sir." Reaching down, Tony kisses the child's forehead, turning them around so that they are facing the elevator and leads them inside, his arm wrapped around his son's thin shoulders.

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