11. what doesn't kill me makes me want you more.

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"Where are you going?" Dan questions as soon as I get up from the floor where I've been sitting and avidly drawing into my sketchpad.

We're on the tour bus and it's about an hour before noon; they had all been animatedly talking amidst each other regarding the next gig, what had been fun about touring internationally and what hadn't. I knew they liked to do this sometimes, have a sort of a meeting with their manager and set crew involved. So, it wasn't surprising that the bus was overcrowded with bodies right now.

Somehow, he had successfully managed to convince me into taking a 2 week-long vacation from work. Actually, no, I did know – it had taken a lot of sucking up on his part. When the enjoyment in seeing him literally beg me vanished about a day into him doing so, I agreed to ask Frank for some time off. I was fully expecting to be shot down, but instead, Frank let me go. Whatever his reasoning was, I didn't care, I was just happy.

I tagged along for one of the US dates before we were back in the UK for a festival. Dan jokingly told me he knew I must really love him because no one who already had a clue how cramped the beds on the bus were would ever want to do it again. Just this morning I had to remind myself it wouldn't be cool if I killed my incredibly athletic, but let's face it, bony as hell boyfriend for digging his elbows and knees into me...

We were currently in Birmingham, and they were doing a 2-day weekend event which was supposed to wrap up today and having travelled so much the last year, these boys weren't up for much besides waiting for the show, despite it being 8 hours away still.

I stretch my neck and arms, yawning as I do, "It's so crammed in here, I'm starting to develop claustrophobia. I just want to get out." I shrug, bending down to throw my pencils, erasers, and other supplies into their designated box. When I close the sketchpad, Dan grabs my hand as I take a step away from him, looking up at me with his big blue eyes.

"Wait outside for me?" He asks, pushing his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose.


"Because obviously I want to come with you, you twat."

"Fine." I roll my eyes as I walk towards his bunk, smiling. "Twat." I kneel down and open the first drawer under his bunk and slide my stuff into it, about to shut it when something catches my eye. I pull out the slender royal blue box, running my finger down it as the memories flood my mind.

 I pull out the slender royal blue box, running my finger down it as the memories flood my mind

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"It's supposed to keep evil and harm at bay – it's basically supposed to protect you." I say as I tie the amulet bracelet around his wrist.

"And does it work?" He questions, intently looking down at it and then up at me.

"I never used to think it did. I always thought my abuela was a little kooky at times with all these Spanish traditions and beliefs she threw my way, never understanding why her full-fledged American granddaughter couldn't believe in things like this too," I laugh as I let go of his wrist, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as he gazes at the bracelet, running his thumb over the blue stones that enclose the tiny gold evil eye symbol.

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