No one is perfect

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No one is perfect

Everyone is going to have those days that you might embarrass yourself in front of a small crowd or a big one.It is ok because not everyone is perfect. There's going to be more than one time that a person embarrasses himself. Some may be worse than others. Everyone embarrasses him or herself more than once in his or her life. Teenager Conner was embarrassed at school.

In the afternoon at Central Middle School during gym class, Conner was practicing his shots for basketball when his gym teacher Mr. E called the class to go to the middle of the gymnasium and sit down. Mr E told the 17 students in this 8th grade class to get into two lines facing, so that one person can pass the ball to the other across from them while shuffling. Mr. E chose two people to do it as an example for the whole class. Mr. E called on James and Conner to show the class how they're supposed to do it. James had the ball first. James passed the ball to Conner. Then they started shuffling. Conner passed it to James. Again, James passed the ball to Conner but James passed it way too far in front of Conner, Conner still tried going for it. Conner lost his balance and tripped and fell. The rest of the class started laughing out loud at him. Conner was on the floor. Conner got up when Conner got up Conner said "I'm so embarrassed right now.". James overheard what Conner said. James told Holli who was a good friend of James and Conner. Holli told James "I'm surprised that Conner is so calm right now.".

For kids that are getting embarrassed so often and people laugh at you its ok because one day you the people that laugh at you might have something embarrassing happen to them and it may be worst than what you were embarrassed about.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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