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Scottie looked across the airfield to where she could see Tony cradling Rhodey. She felt the bile rise in her throat as the adrenaline wore off and she realised that he was most likely dead. No-one could survive a fall, and Tony's suit only just raised the chance of survival minimally. Ignoring the looks that she was receiving from those whose signatures did not rest in the pages of the government documents, she began to move towards where Peter was laying on the ground.

Grabbing his hand, the girl hauled the younger boy to his feet as he tried to regain his stamina from the throwing he had taken from the other side. Patting his shoulder as he made sure his mask was fixed over his face, Scottie and the boy both spun around as loud sirens and helicopter noises began to surround them at the airport. She could see a separate helicopter landing in the distance near Tony and Rhodey, knowing that the man would be getting whatever treatment that would keep him alive - if he still was.

"Casey!" A voice barked from behind her, causing the girl to turn around as her blonde hair blew in the wind that was being created by the helicopter blades. She noticed many police officers and international police run past her as they went to apprehend the Avengers that hadn't chose to sign the agreement - something that she knew had really meant the end of all of this.

Walking towards her was Everett Ross, an armed guard at his side as he stepped down from the helicopter. The man looked remarkably stressed but she didn't blame him: it had been a long day for everyone. She was barely managing to keep all of the thoughts from entering her head as she began to realise that she had lost a lot more than maybe Rhodey - she had lost her family on the grounds of the airport that day.

"Ross," she greeted, not particularly having many feelings towards the man. His father? Well, she had plenty of strong feelings towards that man - especially after everything he had done to Bruce in the past.

The man nodded in response, coming to stand beside her as they watched the rest of the Avengers be detained. Happy exited one of the vehicles, sending her a smile as he tried to wrangle Peter back into the back of the car. This was no place for a teenager from Queens, and everyone knew that he still didn't understand the full extent of what he had witnessed that day.

"That's a nasty cut there, ma'am," the armed guard told her, interrupting her gaze as she cast him a glance. Noticing that he was pointing to the deep gash on her arm that she had received from the Winter Solider. She hadn't really looked at it much, too caught up on all of the current events to pay attention to a wound that wasn't fatal.

"I can give you an antiseptic injection to help keep it from more inflammation until we can get you to a proper doctor if you would like?" He asked, his hand already reaching into one of the compartments on his bulletproof jacket as she nodded.

Ignoring the needle as she felt it puncture the skin just above her elbow, she turned out the guard and Ross as she turned her attention back to her friends (if she could even call them that now) across the concrete ground.

Clint was the first one she noticed. The man's bow and quiver had been ripped from him, simply passed off to someone else as he was pushed to the ground and restrained with thick metal cuffs. Her chest clenched at the sight of the man that had taken her in for so long on the ground in front of her but there was nothing she could do. As much as it broke her heart, they knew that there was only two ways this would have ended: death or this.

The man who had made himself change sizes had been a lot easier for them to detain. He was passed out from whatever he had done earlier when he had grown in size so he was simply slipped into cuffs and shoved into the back of the van along with Clint. The former caught her eye just before they shut the door on his current cage - and in that moment Scottie knew that they would most likely never be able to go back to how they were after all of this. He was angry, he was furious, he was heartbroken. Maybe at her, maybe at the accords - she wasn't sure. There was so much she wanted to say to the man in that moment. But there was nothing that left her mouth.

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