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Name: Y/N L/N
Age: 17
Personality: Lonewolf, Quiet, Thinks about that he is weak but is actually strong
Looks - Whatever you want to look like



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(If you want to add either Varrekants/Balrogs/Katvans wings, its fine)Abilites

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(If you want to add either Varrekants/Balrogs/Katvans wings, its fine)

Storm/Flame/Ice Sigil - Applies storm/flame/ice damage to your blade

Flurry - Attack with three slashes of your blade

Impact – Drive your blade into the ground, creating a shock wave 

Blade Chasm – Charge forward 7.5m, Splitting the ground with your blade

Whirling Blades – Throw 3 arcane blades at the closest enemy up to 7.5m in front of you

Blink – Teleport forward to the nearest enemy within 6m. If there are no enemies in range, teleport 3m instead

Rune Balance – Your training allows you to absorb 1 spirit every

A/N: Hey guys, this will be my first yandere story so it will be horrible. Also the abilities that I listed is actually my build I use in the game.

Obsessive RWBY Harem X Male Runeblader ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now