Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

 (Station House Shower Room------>)

 ***Warning, nuff said****


After all the rukus and the drama with my brother'sand Xavier'sface off  the other morning, waking up to the peace and quiet of an empty sleep room seemed almost eerie. The guys were already in the showers, and God only knows what was going on  in there. So in order to keep my sanity, I was going to wait until they were done with their morning routine before I made an attempt to take my own shower. At least that was what my head was saying, but my bladder was saying something else altogether.  I wondered if I could sneak in to do my business and sneak out again. But then I chucked that idea, it was more than likely, knowing me, and my perverted inner twink, that I would wind up so enthralled with the sexy spectacle righ there in front of me, I probably piss myself forgetting the real reason I was in the room in the first place.

Trying to think of anything other than the fact my bladder was actually spasming at the moment, I sat up and breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth. I was tapping my fingers impatiently against my knees when finally, finally Tommy, Dave, and Robbie came sauntering out of the bathroom, followed by Xavier and Chuck. I spotted a few new love bites on Dave, and Robbie was walking a little wide, but other than that they looked sated and very happy. Pfft, good for them. My inner twink was literally holding both hands over his crotch and doing the pee pee dance while glaring murderously at the guys. I shot up from the bed and crab walked my way into the bathroom leaving a chorus of laughter behind me, the bastards. Note to self, get up before the orgy crew in the mornings.

You ever had to go so bad that when you finally do it hurts. Damn, it felt like liquid lava was shooting out of my cock, never mind that it took a minute to actually get it going after willing my semi erect cock to behave. My inner drama queen was sitting on the toilet with a look of bliss across his face, and he looked like he was going to be there for awhile. I flushed and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. Shuffling out of my pajama pants, I walked over to my locker and pulled out my shaving kit. I was going to enjoy my solitary shower to the fullest while the guys where probably already cooking enough food to feed the entire city block. I shimmied out of my boxers and threw them in my laundry sack and slammed my locker shut.

The feeling of the hot water running over my face and my body woke me up even more, and I stretched as the water sluiced down the front of my body. As I lathered myself up, I inhaled the calming scent of cucumber and melon, my favorite fragrance, and let my mind wonder back to the predicament of my relationship, or I should say defining my relationship with Lance. I haven't had a chance to talk to him since my shift began the day before yesterday, and I didn't seek him out either. This was kinda not the place, even with the shower room turning into the boom boom room at least twice a day. I released a sigh and closed my eyes to wash my hair, but nearly jumped out of my skin when two large hands slid down my soap slicked abdomen and I was pulled back into a big warm muscular frame.

My body immediately recognized my lover and it instantly heated up under his touch. My hussy immediately spread himself open like a buffet's smorgasbord, and I feel you buddy. Those large hands glided down my flanks and back up again, drawing slow lazy circles on my skin. "I've missed you." He purred and God, that voice, the smoky huskiness of it went straight to my cock and it stood at immediate attention. My twink whimpered and threw the industrial size bottle of lube at me and stuck his wanton ass up in the air even more, wiggling it for good measure, his intent couldn't have been more clear.

I quickly rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and turned in his arms to face him.  "I've missed you too, but I didn't want to be inappropriate at work or come off as clingy or anything, I mean it was just one night of really good sex." I mumbled lamely trying to come off as nonchalant.

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