Chapter Two

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As I walk to the seat next to Cody I trip over one of the desk. Waiting to fall and hit face first on the floor, nothing happened and when I opened my eyes there was an arm rapped around my waist. As I looked up to see Cody with a smirk on his face.

"Watch where your going clumsy don't want to fall and hurt that pretty face of yours"

Wait! did he just say pretty! I though as I feel my face heat up. Trying to keep the blush down I quickly walk over to my seat and sit down. When I looked up I saw all the girls giving me death glares across the room.

"Now class with you please open up to page 34 and answer question 1-30, if you don't finish by the end of class it's homework" Mr. Johnson said.

I opened my book to page 34 but before I could read there was a note slipped on my desk. "Hey sweet cheeks want to go to the party with me?"

Sweet cheeks! what's up with the pet names. I quickly wrote back and slipped it on his desk "Umm why are you asking me and not slutty Shelly over there I'm sure she would say yes"

he gave it back and it said "Because I want to go with you. You could loosen up a bit to be honest"

"Why me? And no for your information I don't need to loosen up I'm just fine thank you very much"

"I want to get to know you and come on you'll have lots of fun"

"Fine but if I'm not having fun we're leaving. Got it?"

"yes ma'am" he wrote back. I look up to see him smiling and I shake my head. I can't believe I agreed with Cody to go to this party. With the BAD BOY!


When it was time lunch I got my food and sat down at the table with my friend. "So did you guys hear about the party on Friday" Ashley one of my friends said " Yes, and everyone better be going because I'm not going alone again" Mike says

"You didn't go alone I was there" Heather says with a great big smile "You may have been there but you were to occupied sucking on Justin's face"

"Hey I was not" Heather said

"Were to"

"Was not"

"Were to"

"Was n---" but before she could finish I cut her off. Heather and Mike are always like this. I swear they act like brother and sister more and more everyday.

"Guy's nock it off, we get it! I'm surprised you guys aren't dating because you guys  sure do act like a married couple" I say looking at them. Both there cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Boy I just love to do that they both have had crushes on each other since freshman year. But see the thing is, is that they have both come to me separately and told me about there feeling for one another. I've been trying to get them together ever since then but there both to shy to step up and do something about it.

We all start talking about the party in tellthe belt rings signaling that lunch is over. So I get up and throw my food away then head for my locker to get my stuff and head to class.


As the last bell rings I get out of my seat and head out the doors. When I get to my car and put my key in the door, I feel someone hot breath on the back of my neck. I turn around to see who it is and to my luck it Cody.

" Can I help you?" I say with a little of annoyance in my voice.

"  Well I was just wondering what a pretty girl such as yourself is doing after school." "Well this girl is going to go home, now if you will excuse me I'd like to leave" I say ripening my car door a little bit before someone closes it. "Well how about we go do something fun like bowling or ice-skating" " Hmmm let me think, how about no" " Oh come on it will be fun" "Fine but only on one condition" "Ok, shoot" "I get to drive" "No" he said worth a smirk.


(A/N) Well for starters sorry I haven't posted in a while been with my parents business and stuffs like that. I will defiantly try to post more often then I have been. Hopefully you guys like this chapter kind of made up the chapter on the spot.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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