Hitchhiker With An RPG

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I pull out my binoculars and got out of my car, then put binos infront of my eyes and set it on the eastern entrance to the American base. Gunfire sounded from the distance, it would seem like the American team have found where the southern cache is and is pushing hard to get while facing fierce opossistion from my comrades who are defending it.

Sighing, I put down my binoculars. The enemy armor I was looking for hasnt arrived in the marine's base yet. No use for me to remain here anymore.

I was about to put back my binoculars into my pockets when I heard footsteps coming from behind me. Deciding that my old and reliable mosin was too unwieldy to fight at close range, I pulled out my worn 1911 at the source of the sound.

Only to see an RPG carrier frozen in place.

I shake my head. "Next time say something instead of sneaking up on me like that, I almost shot you." I tell the RPG carrier as I lower my pistol.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else." The RPG carrier apologized.

"Looking for someone? Why?" I ask him out of curiosity and the want to do something while waiting for the armor to arrive at the enemy base.

"Well... you see..." The RPG carrier then introduced himself as Samuel and told me about how he was repairing his SPG (self propelled gun) at the our main base when someone named Polpot came up to his driver's seat and claimed that the SPG was his. He then refused to give the SPG to Polpot and thats when things get heated.

They debated about how the SPG wasn't claimable and Samuel had enough and decided to drive off.

Then Polpot shot him.

Now here he is, angry and looking for vengeance after his respawn. Determined to have revenge on Polpot even if it means destroying the SPG techie.

I listen to him as he explained it all happen and then a not-so-bright idea came up.

"Why don't you get in my car for a ride and let's get that Polpot motherfucker?" I offered.

Samuel blinked a few times before a smile made it's way to his angry face.

"Let's go then!" He howled.

Getting in my car, he hoisted himself up through the open sunroof while I entered the driver's seat.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Hell yes let's go!"

I speed off as I opened up my map, It would seem like Polpot was somewhere north west of us.

"Turn left, left!" Samuel instructed as I followed his directions, turning to the side of the dusty road and arriving on a poppy field.

"Alright, stop here. I'm getting out." He said as he pulled his rpg from his back and then walked to the top of a mound.

"I'm gonna love this." I say as I traced his aim to his target.

"I'm gonna love this even more." He replied.

"HEY MOTHERFUCKER HOW'D YOU LIKE THIS!?" He shouted to the man infront of the SPG who barely had time to turn around and register his shock before Samuel pulled the trigger.

And fucking missed.

Polpot got into the SPG and drove off while Samuel came running back to my car.

"Quick follow him!" He excitedly shouted as he got back on the sunroof and reloaded his RPG.

"Have you checked that the range is at minimum? Thats probably why you missed!" I tell him.

He fumbles around with the RPG before cursing. "FUCK! I had it set to 400 meters!"

I laugh at his blunder and then our quarry turned through a corner and we immediately followed.

Then a sh*tstorm of 5.56 came our way.

Apperently in my ignorance and disregard for checking out the map I forgot that we were driving right through a Super FOB (a place with a fuck ton of emplacements) and the Marines manning it were more than happy to shoot at us.

"SHIT GET DOWN MAN!" I shoutes at Samuel who seem to just diregard it and fired his RPG.

"FUCK! I MISSED AGAIN!" He shouted in frustration.

I knew that the RPG only had 2 shots so I brought extra ammo just in case. "Here, it's the only one I have left. Make it count." I tell him as I hand him the warhead.

He gave me a thumbs up and reloaded his RPG. By now we have made it past through the hot zone and Polpot seemed to have stopped to face us.

"Shiiiiiiiiiiit! He's manning the SPG!" Samuel exclaimed.

I hit the breaks just in time to not get hit by a recoiless round fired by Polpot, though I have to be thankful he didn't fire the fragmentary one else we would've been fucked.

"EAT THIS!" Samuel shouted as he fired another rocket onto Polpot's vehicle... and missing.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" He shouted in frustration as Polpot drove awat unscathed.

I remain silent, I didn't actually care about getting revenge but just offered it up to have fun riding around and chasing down something.

"Yo, why don't we get something that fires faster?" I offered.

"Yes... yes... let's get a technical or an mg kit at least and fuck him up!" He said in renewed vigor.

And so we drove back to our main base and Samuel picked up the machinegunner kit as I patiently waited for him in the car.

Soon enough, he got back in with his brand new RPK.

"Alright lets rock and- wait..." He stopped mid sentence and I traced where he was looking at.

In front of us, through the netting of the repair station... was polpot holding a goddamn detonator with a wicked smile.

I had fun chasing you down Polpot.

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