Never Goodbye

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Hello Readers. Even though this short story is written as a one shot, I am splitting it up into separate sections for your ease of reading. Enjoy.

And yes, this starts just like my story, Reunited. No it does not stay the same. I wrote this in response to a challenge asking author's to rewrite a story they had already written with the same prompt. This one is much different than my other story.


"Evening M'Lady," Chat purred, sitting down at his usual spot, offering her a well rehearsed smile.

Odd. Marinette thought, noticing that Chat's grin didn't seem to reach his eyes. She was the one with the bad news; what could be troubling him?

The night air was warm, and the stars danced in the late summer sky above the Eiffel Tower where the two superheroes sat. A slight breeze played with the ribbons in Ladybug's hair, a detail that did not go unnoticed by Chat Noir.

Taking in Ladybug's sweet smelling scent, Adrien gently lifted his hand and, making a mental image of the perfect girl in front of him, brushed her bangs out of her eyes.

"Chat," Marinette somberly replied, not looking forward to what she had to say to him, "we need to talk."

Adrien sensed the tension in her voice, causing him to stiffen and sigh. "I know, Ladybug. Things have been quiet for a long time."

Looking out at the city lights sparkling below, Ladybug and Chat Noir sat quietly, ever aware of the person next to their side. Paris was peaceful... it was safe just as it had been for almost a year.

Marinette watched as a young couple stood at the base of the tower and as the boy bent to one knee. Her heart squeezed within her chest.

"They don't need us anymore," she whispered, a soft tear creeping down her cheek.

Adrien lifted his gaze, burdened at seeing his lady look so sad. He wished that what he had come to say would cheer her up, but he knew that his words would bring the exact opposite of that.

Catching her tear by the tip of his claw, Adrien replied, "I know that, Bugaboo, but that doesn't make this any easier." He dropped his hand and turned away mumbling, "I'm leaving for college tomorrow."

Marinette's heart raced at the implication of this new bit of information. She and Chat Noir were the same age. How had they been partners for so long without even knowing something as simple as that? There was still so much that she didn't know about Chat and the thought of never getting to learn those things left an uneasy feeling of guilt in Marinette's stomach.

In just a few days time, Marinette would begin design school in her hometown, Paris. She had known that, with her new busy schedule, she wouldn't have time for nightly patrols with Chat. In fact, she had come here to tell him just that, what with Hawkmoth being gone and all, it wasn't as if their constant vigil was necessarily needed.

"Y-your leaving?" she squeaked, breaths uneven. Even though Marinette had known she wouldn't have time for patrol, she had still expected Chat to be around. She had figured that there would still be a chance to see him, they could still be friends. But if he was going away for college, then this was it. This would be the last time that she would ever see Chat.

The warm, humid air seemed to close in around her as the imminent void next to her, like a black hole, depleted all sources of oxygen.

I'm not ready for this. Marinette thought. We can't end things like this.

"Yes," Adrien hummed, his heart beating erratically within his chest. He didn't want to say goodbye. Ladybug was the only girl that he had ever loved, and he had gotten quite used to having her constantly by his side. But no matter what he had tried, she had always shut him down. Even if he did stay, he doubted that things would ever change. Ladybug was quite stubborn once she had made up her mind, and it was obvious to Adrien that she would never see him as more than a friend.

"My school is a long way from here," he softly added, turning to face Ladybug once again. Adrien grabbed her hands, gazing desperately into her bluebell eyes and hastily added, "I would have never left you if I believed you could be in danger, M'Lady!"

Just as quickly as he had grabbed them, Adrien pulled away his hands, scratching the back of his neck. "It's just that this is such a great opportunity, and nothing has happened in Paris for ages and..."

"Go," Marinette hastily insisted, another tear pooling up in her eye, "follow your dream. You have done enough to help this city. It's time to live your life." She paused, catching a glimpse of the couple kissing below. The lucky young woman must have said yes. "It's time that I live my life, too, Kitty."

Adrien followed her gaze, his face turning a slight shade of red, "So, I guess this is goodbye?"

As his eyes returned to Marinette, her heart shattered. This was it. Over the years, Chat and she had become dear friends, but she had always kept him at arm's length. Seeing him now, with his messy blonde hair, and grief stricken glowing green eyes, she had to wonder if they possibly could have been something more. However, it was now too late and she had missed a chance with yet another boy.

"I guess so," she murmured, guilt laced within every word.

Suddenly, Adrien leaned forward, kissing Ladybug on the cheek leaving her face warm and flushed. "I will miss you, Bugaboo," he smiled, wishing that this didn't have to be the end, "until we meet again."

Adrien truly hoped that they would meet again someday. He couldn't imagine living his entire life without getting to spend some time with his closest friend. Even if they never became as close as he had dreamed, he would be okay with that. Adrien would just be happy to get the chance to see Ladybug again.

No! Marinette internally screamed as Chat Noir stood and turned to walk away. I will not let things end like this!

With Adrien, she couldn't be brave. She had willingly allowed him to walk out of her life. But with Chat... things could be different. This didn't have to be a goodbye. They were too close of friends for that. So what if he was going far away? There were other ways to stay in touch.

Swiftly, Marinette wrapped her fingers in a determined grasp around Chat's wrist, not allowing him to take another step.

Adrien's breath hitched and his entire body halted, frozen, never wanting to be removed from his Lady's clutch.

"You can't just walk out of my life," Ladybug whispered, causing Adrien to break inside.

This had been the hardest thing that he had ever had to do, and he had been keeping it together until this particular point. Tears began to silently stream down his face. Too many times had he had to say goodbye. He had been so sure that he could do it this time, but Ladybug was right. There was no way that he could simply just walk away. But, honestly, what other choice did they have? Without knowing of each other's identities, what kind of relationship could they foster with that kind of distance?

"There has to be another way," Marinette contemplated out loud. "We could exchange phone numbers or even come up with some sort of bogus email address. Even if we can't see each other anymore, it doesn't mean that we can't continue to talk to one another."

Adrien smiled, his first genuine smile of the evening. He beamed as a beautiful, inexplicable hope filled within his chest. This didn't have to be goodbye.


This was anything but a goodbye.

This was a new beginning.

He and his Lady still had a chance. A chance to be friends, and maybe against all odds, he hoped, a chance to become something new that would blossom as they gradually began to know each other even more. And for the first time in quite some while, Adrien was excited about what the future between him and Ladybug would hold.

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