Chapter 2: The Forest Figure

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I stared at him, still stunned, but speechless. He looked at me, as if waiting for an answer. A moment of silence broke out. I stood there, almost frozen, until I could pick up the courage to speak again.

"Thank you Altair, it's very kind of you to lend me these things. I'm...I'm Indigo, Indigo Wellwood..."

He moved away from the fire he was gathered around and stood up in front of me,

"Don't worry about it," I began to back away, I started to fear his presence, "Hey its okay, I'm not going to hurt you, you can trust me..."

Even though I don't know who he is, I don't know where-a-bouts I am and I'm trying so hard to block out the pain from what has happened in this whole event physically and emotionally, I still start to feel comforted by his voice. He held out his hand, as a sign of trust. I thought to myself,

"He could help my sister; he could lead us out of here..."

So I decided to go with my heart. I held out my hand to him and they soon clasped together by another, paler pair.

"Your hands are cold..." He spoke soft and gently. I had no idea how to reply to his comment; it had slightly taken me a back.

"Why don't you sit by my warm, lit fire for a while; you won't be as cold."

Right now I could kill for so form of comfort, so I sat with him. We started to have a conversation about various different issues. He would ask me questions such as: "So how did you end up here" or "what happened to you and your sister?" So I would answer him as best I could. I began to ask some back.

"So, how did you end up in this forest anyway?"

He looked straight into my eyes and that's when I noticed, his eyes. They were different. I thought they looked brown, then hazel, then I knew that they were none of the above. They were red. But for some reason, the red colour only contained half of his eye; the other half seemed to be a pastel blue, if that.

"I had managed to escape Lord Overwhill's chambers. But you were lucky this time Indigo. His experiment had already taken place on me. He hate the way my blood tasted, said it was too bitter. So I was chained to a machine by two assistants- who’s lives he had already destroyed- and was ready for the transformation, from human, to demon..."

I froze. I couldn't believe my eyes. Altair was a demon?

"But I never let it finish," he continued, "I got out, even though I was weak, I'd managed to save myself. But it came with a price, it left me half demon; my eyes make it obvious..."

I started to feel sorry for him, after all he's been through, and all I was thinking about was the pain I was going through.

"I've been so selfish, you've been through a much more horrific experience than me Altair," I looked at him sympathetically.

A shiver went down my spine. He put his arm around me, to make me feel warm.

"Don't think about that Indigo, you've had a pretty hard time yourself..." I started to feel comforted by his embrace. Slowly but soundly, we fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning very weary and uncomfortable; I had fallen asleep against a tree after all. I looked around; the area seemed much different in present daylight. The autumn leaves that covered the ground appeared crisp and golden, obviously the mid of season. I noticed Altair further south, down by the river. I stood up, a little too soon as I quickly became light-headed. I walked over to him, he seemed to have a form of solution stored inside a container of some sort.

“What is that, in there?” I asked anxiously.

“Fresh drinking water, my dear,” he said stirring the solution with a wooden stick. “It can also be used on open wounds.”

That’s when I remembered. I had left Violet alone all night! I suddenly got a rush of guilt. I cannot believe I forgot about my sister. What kind of a sister would be so mean as to leave there baby sister alone at night in a forest with nobody there to comfort her when she awakes? I knew Altair could tell I forgot about her by the expression on my face.

“Thank you again…” I start to get worried. I glance around, scanning my eyes over every inch of land I could find. And then I finally found her, luckily enough she was just waking up.

“Indigo, where are we? I just want to go home…” A crystal clear tear escaped her golden-chestnut eyes and began to trickle down her ghostly pale skin.

I knelt down beside her and let her rest her head on my shoulder,

“Now the futures not so clear,

I can’t believe we’ve ended here.

Where’s the world that doesn’t care,

Maybe I could meet you there…”

As I softy sing, I feel Violet starting to relax. The song meant a lot to us, it was the song our mother used to sing to us as we would doze off into a world of dreams. We miss her dearly, but we can’t let our emotions overtake our focus.

In the corner of my eye, I see Altair. He is hidden by a large oak tree. I will have to tell Violet about him, or else we will never be able to move forward. He is the only person that knows his way around.

“I met someone last night Vi. His name is Altair Netherspark. He can help us; he can lead us out of here...”

 As my words start to comprehend in little Violets mind, she suddenly sees the light.

“So he is good?” Her dainty hands enclose themselves into mine.

“Yes, he is a good person.” I see his face grow wide as he approaches the area.

“Hello Violet, how are you feeling this morning?” A glint appears in his half crimson eyes as the little eight-year-old begins to smile.

“A little better,” she looks at me, waiting for my voice to enter the conversation.

“I will just freshen up your leaves and clean your wound with some fresh water and we will soon be off…”

As Altair crouches down to assist, he whispers a few simple words into my ear.

“We will head south, following the trail of Sycamore Trees…”

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