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"I'm not gay."

"Neither am I. Now let's fuck."

Two bodies becoming one. The sound of skin slapping filling the room that summer night.

"Ah-You feel so good." Namjoon moaned, loving the feeling of the male he was with.

"I-i'm close." Jin moaned, his body involuntarily jolting upwards as he climaxed, shaking against the younger male. 

Namjoon too released, holding on tightly to Jin, the male he had only just met this day at summer camp.

"That was..." Namjoon trailed off, his breathing ragged. "Amazing." Jin finished, his chest rising and falling quickly.



I jolted awake, my heart racing in my chest as my alarm clock scared the living shit out of me.

"Turn that off." Jin groaned, his voice groggy as he whined from across the room.

I sat up and shut my alarm off before running my fingers through my hair.

Why the hell was I dreaming of that? Had I gone crazy? Even after what I didn't yesterday with Min-ji and I still dreamed of that?I was definitely crazy.

"You have class this early?" Jin asked, rubbing at his eyes as he looked over at me from his bed.

I couldn't even bring myself to look at him after having such a horrid dream.

"Yeah, only on Mondays though." I mumble as I stand and walk to the my dresser to get out clothes.

"How horrible." Jin says as he yanks his blanket up over his head. I quickly change before grabbing my backpack and phone.

Without saying a word, I head out for class.


"I heard you and Min-ji hooked up, way to go man!" Yoongi said when I met up with him that same day after class.

"It wasn't a big deal. She knows we won't date again." I say and Yoongi looks over at me.

"I thought you wanted a girlfriend though? Change your mind already?" He scoffs.

"Its not that, it's just that I don't like min-ji like that anymore. I want someone new." I say.

Yoongi shakes his head as he sits down at the lunch table, pulling out a bag chips.

"You need someone, I want to see you happy and in love." Yoongi says and I brush off his comment.

"I'm serious, man. You haven't dated in so long. You need to get back in the game." Yoongi says.

"I know but there really isn't anyone I want." I say and Yoongi grins.

"Maybe you need to switch teams." He says jokingly and I make a face.

"Yeah right, I'd rather shove a needle in my dick hole then sleep with a guy." I scoff and Yoongi makes a face. 

"Fuck that, I'd rather fuck a guy. As long as I could top, that is." Yoongi says but I could tell he was just messing around.

"Right." I laugh and he starts to eat while I take in what he said. Switch teams, yeah right. I'm not gay.

Even though the whole summer camp thing happened I knew for a fact I wasn't gay. 

Maybe I only liked it because I hadn't had sex in awhile so it felt good. Yeah, that was it.

Shaking the thought, I eat my lunch.


After lunch Yoongi went to meet up with his girlfriend so I headed back to my dorm to do some homework.

Of course my professor had given an assignment on the first day, typical.

As I got into the dorm I was happy to find it empty. It gave me the silence I needed to do this work.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my work, ready to get started on it.

I needed to stay on top of things this year so I could pass all of my classes and graduate.

With that being said, I got to work.


After nearly two hours, I was finally done. I knew this was only the first of many hard assignments and I was just glad that I was able to finish this one.

I slipped my books back into my bag and leaned back on my bed, closing my eyes as I let myself relax. 

I was tired from having woken up so early and I wanted to take a nap. I needed to reenergize.

If this was the result of just the first day who the hell knows how must more horrible this could get.

I would need lost of stress relievers.

Letting my mind wander, I fell asleep.



After my class I headed back to the dorm, entering the room only to find Namjoon asleep on his bed.

I set by bag down and sat down on my bed, pulling out my laptop.

I logged into my class portal and started on my assignments. It didn't take too long to finish so once I was done I decided on a nap. 

I was tired already and it was only the first day back at school. Of course the stress would pile up eventually and I knew I would need ways to relieve stress. 

For now, I would just sleep it off.


When I woke up next it was to the sound of the door busting open and a voice yelling, "Namjoon, get up!"

I sighed as I opened my eyes and looked over to see one of Namjoon's friends making their way over to him.

If I could recall, this guys name was Taehyung.

"Go away." Namjoon groaned as he swatted his friend away, pulling the covers up over his head.

"You have to get up, Yoongi has a surprise for you. You have to come down to the lounge." Tae says.

Namjoon groaned as he threw back the covers, glaring at Tae.

"What surprise? Is it more important then my sleep?" He asked.

"You'll see!" Tae says as he tugs at Namjoon, pulling him up. Namjoon sighs as he follows Tae out, leaving me to be confused and tired.

I wonder what was so important...



"This better be good." I grumbled as I dragged my feet behind Tae, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

As we got to the lounge I saw Yoongi seated at a table with someone by his side.

As I got closer my jaw dropped.

Standing in front of me was the last person I had expected to see;

My best friend from back home, Jackson. 


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