12//[Book 1]

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Everything was black. I found myself falling in this darkness, hurtling to an invisible floor. A floor that would most likely kill me if I continued to fall at this speed. The air pushed against my face, I closed my eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Time seems to slow down when you're falling

My body pushes it's self up and the scream that slipped out my lips must have woken the dead.

It was just a dream.

I get up from my bed. Last night I discussed to sleep in my room, for the first time in a long time actually. I guess it wasn't such a great idea. I have nightmares in this bed, I get killed in this bed, I die in this bed.

Slowly getting up from the very same bed, I feel like my soul has been pulled away from me. I feel so alone right now, I feel so alone everyday.

School was horrible, everything about it was horrible. Not only were the students looking at me like I was a wet rat but so did the teachers. I mean who could blame them I was becoming more and more like a shall. I looked as if I was sick. And they treated me like I was contagious. As if I was carrying a rare disease that if I was to get anywhere near them, they would die.

I went to to school for the rest of the week until the very last day of school. Summer was here, meaning no more school, no more bullying, no more.

...oh how wrong I was

"Hey nerd, didn't think we would go to college without one last hit for the road" College. I never thought any of the basketball players would go to college.

How did they find me here. It must have been Cameron. What was wrong with that guy. I let him into the door step of my life and he was already making a mess of what was already a mess.

I wasn't ready for it, I was never ready for the hits and the punch and the kicks but that never stopped this boys from hitting a girl.

Although the was something different about the hits this time. They were not hitting me out of anger or fun. It was far deeper than that, it was as if they wanted to kill me, as if my life meant nothing to nobody. I heard a creack, my ribs where creaked.

I felt blood dripping from my lips, I probably had a broken nose, and cut lip, two black eyes, two or three creaked ribs, a twisted ankle and many many bruised body parts.

They were really going to take my life, they were going to murder me in the open.

Strangest thing is, I was ready for them to kill me. I actually wanted to die. So I guess I was ready, this was my way of dying. I slowly close my eyes as I welcome the angel of death. It was time, I was ready to go.

But instead I woke up in the middle of nowhere. I didn't know this place. I was left on the road like a homeless person.

Three days, it took me three days to finally found the ocean, from the ocean I knew how to get back home. Home, I really need to stop calling that place my home. I was never my home and it will never be my home. I walk by the cliff of the ocean. Looking down at the waves crushing on the riffe. The water looked so calm and yet so deadly. It screamed for me not to jump but whispered for me to dive right in.

All the bullshit things that have been happening thought my life will all come to and end if I just....jump.

I would not have to worry about what I was going to eat, or whether I was going to get more bruises. I was walking with one leg limping, I felt as if my in sides where bleeding. If I just lean in, I won't be in pain anymore

I had not noticed that I was now standing on the very edge of the cliff, with only one way to go, and that was down.

I guess it was time I join my best friend.

Falling was easy. I only let go and gravity did the rest. Time seems to slow down when you're falling.

The water rushes in like it owns me. It enters cold and murky, stealing away the air that could save this fragile body. I can taste it, like a dirty river, foul and unclean. My limbs are moving like some stupid clockwork doll and my mind is loosing focus faster than a child at a fun fair. Only there is no fun, only peace. My movements calms and calculates but my primitive reaction has taken control and I thrash with no more mind than a monkey in a whirlpool.

Darkness enveloped me. The water closed in around me, filling me with a deep dread. I held my breath as long as I could, too long in fact. Red and black splotches danced in front of me and I couldn't remember if my eyes were opened or closed.

The coldness I had felt upon entering the water was completely gone. A desperate hot wave had come over me, warming even my frosted toes. My heart was beating rapidly in panic of it dying, but my mind was perfectly still.

I opened my mouth, gasping for air. I have held my breath in a pool before, this isn't like that. This is like having a gun to my head and being told not to let my heart beat. Of course it will beat. And just like the heart must go on my lungs will inhale whether it is air or briny water. In the moment that the coolness rushes in I know I am already dead. In moments I will float like the sea weed, nothing more than flesh and bones ready to decay in the currents. I didn't want to be saved, I didn't want a rescuing hand to tow me back to life, to the world I know...

So I sank to the bottom of the ocean.

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