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With Molly roaming the halls there was no way that Calliope could sneak from her room to Fred's to tell him what Lupin had said. That was in her physical form. As Calliope lay awake, she decided that she had to talk to Fred, otherwise she would never get to sleep.

The only way she could see to do this without getting yelled at by Molly was to leave her body in her room and go and see Fred in her spirit form. This particular skill was one she was quite scared of, as it had been what had imprisoned her the previous year. But she had to put that aside, it was a part of her just as much as the whispers were, she had learned to understand them, she would learn to understand this.

She closed her eyes and thought about Fred. Previously when she was in her spirit form, she had been able to go to people by thinking about them, and she figured that this would be a good place to start.

Her eyes snapped open when her ears were filled with snoring, she found herself in the darkened room of the twins. Snores came from the bed to the far side of the room, whilst the bed closest to the door was silent. Calliope knew that this was Fred's bed. She made her way to the head of the bed and sat down on the floor beside it. 

"Fred," Calliope whispered, despite the fact that no one but Fred could hear her.

Fred sat bolt upright and looked around for the source of the noise. He scrambled for his wand, putting his hand straight through Calliope as he reached for it, which was for some reason on the floor.

"Lumos," Fred muttered, he looked around the now illuminated room and his eyes wrested on Calliope, who gave him a sheepish wave, "you scared me, Callie."

"I'm sorry," Calliope said, "I just had to talk to you."

"Couldn't it wait until the morning?"

"No," Calliope replied, "Fred, they don't know anything about the bond either, Dumbledore has no idea what happened or why it happened."


"I stayed downstairs after you'd all gone and asked Remus about it, he told me that even Dumbledore doesn't know anything."


"Fred there's something else," Calliope bit her lip, wondering if she should share this detail with Fred. Lupin had said that Voldemort wanted her as much as he wanted Harry. This matched with what they had heard about the weapon which Voldemort was seeking had led Calliope to a rather upsetting conclusion, "I think that I might be the weapon that Voldemort is after."

"Callie that's ridiculous!" Fred rubbed his eyes and  sat up in his bed properly, "you're not a weapon."

"No, but I could be," Calliope replied, "Fred, I could be a weapon."

"Whats the light about?" George propped himself up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

"Callie is going crazy," Fred said, behind his joke, Calliope could sense a hint of fear in his voice, he was now considering this possibility too.

"What are you on about Fred?" George frowned, "Calliope isn't here."

"Georgie she's right-" Fred stopped when he saw the sheepish expression on Calliope's face.

"Fred, I was never really here," said Calliope, before she closed her eyes and returned to her own body.


Fred seemed lost in thought at breakfast the next morning, he didn't say anything to Calliope when she entered. Fred's silence seemed to have sparked concern in George, who quickly moved to sit with Calliope.

"Is Fred okay?" George asked, "He woke me up in the middle of the night talking to himself, and now he's not saying anything."

"He wasn't talking to himself, I was there," said Calliope, "I told him something that I should have just kept to myself because now he's all worried about it."

"What did you tell him?" George frowned.

"I said that I think I might be the weapon that Sirius told us about last night," said Calliope, "but that doesn't matter, now Fred is all worked up because of me!"

"You think that you're the weapon?" George frowned, "that's..."

"Ridiculous I know, I was just speculating. Can you tell Fred that I was being stupid."

"Of course I will," George replied, "but just so you know, I don't think that it's ridiculous. There had to be a reason that they bought you to the headquarters of the Order instead of the Burrow, didn't there... It was to keep you from him wasn't it."

"Wasn't it because Fred and I were ill," Calliope frowned.

"They still could have just bought you to the Burrow," reasoned George, "but they bought us all to the super secure headquarters of the Order, I don't think that's a coincidence."

"You know what George you're actually quite clever aren't you," said Calliope.

"Don't you ever say that in front of Mum."

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