
148 16 6

Jungkook's POV
My parents were rather upset, needless to say. There was a full blown-out argument between my mother and me of how I was stupid enough to love someone who came from the line of performing arts professions. She accused me of being in the wrong for even thinking about singing and dancing. Those two "hobbies" gave me happiness which brought me life and I wasn't going to quit doing what I loved solely because she was dissatisfied with it. That wasn't her decision to make. It was my career at the end of the day. She had slapped Jimin across the face, blaming him for corrupting me when he was the one who made me better. My father held her back and thankfully, he supported us. He knew what it felt like. Luckily, this would be no more for the three of us were moving to Busan. There, I would give Jimin the life I promised him, the life he deserved.

Word count: 169

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