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I woke up being the next day and not hearing anything from Yoongi after he left me with that photo. I was still questioning everything. What happened? Is that really me? Is the little boy him? did I get into an accident?

All these questions kept on flowing through my head. Was he really telling the truth?

I sighed and rubbed my head. All this thinking is giving me a headache. I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my hair.

I came out and chose a pair of skinny jeans with a black tank top and a white and black flannel long sleeve shirt.

I put on my white converse, grabbed my purse. I went to my bedroom to look for my phone and wallet, then I came across the picture. I stared at it for a while. I took the picture and put it in my purse. Eventually, I found my phone and wallet. Then headed out to go to work at the cafe.


I arrived at the cafe, Jin noticed me and smiled.

" Sung-mi~," he said and had both his hands hidden behind his back.

" What~," I responded and mimicked his voice.

" Well, I guess you don't want this!" he showed me two paychecks.

" YAH! I do want them," I said trying to snatch them away from him, but he moved away and dodged me.

" You won't get them until you say sorry!" He said running away from me, while I chased him.

" Then stop running so I can tell you," Jin suddenly stopped and made bump into him. I lost my balance and was about to fall back but Jin put his arm around me and pushed me to his chest. My cheeks turned red and I felt really embarrassed. I pushed away.

" S-sorry," We both said at the same time. We looked at each other but then looked away. We stood there in an awkward silence.

" So...um... Sorry for mocking you and bumping into you," I said breaking the silence.

" Oh, yeah It's fine," He chuckled " Anyway, here." He gave me the paychecks and I smiled at him. A sincere one, not a fake one.

" Thanks," I said while opening them up. One paycheck was for 1,000 and the other was 1,000 as well. I gasped.

" Jin this is too much, I can't take this." He shook his head.

" You need it," he smiled

" Thanks, Jin, I really don't know how to repay you for this," I said still looking down at the checks. But when I looked up I saw Jin smirking.

" You could give me a kiss," He said half joking half serious. Damn, he was so flustered when he hugged me but now he wants a kiss. He's confusing.

" I don't know~," I said and shrugged. He turned away pouting but then I leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I'll go get changed now. Bye~" I said and walked away leaving Jin. I could see his cheeks show a light blush.

When did I get so confident?


I walked out to the kitchen with my work clothes on and my hair in a low ponytail. Jin was at the cashier taking orders. I went to tap him on the shoulder.

" I can take over Jin," I said pointing at the cashier.

" O-oh Yeah," He stepped out of my way and I thanked him.


Work was normal there where few customers since I decided to come early. After a few hours of work, I was off my shift finally. I went to change and came out.

But as I started walking towards the door. Another customer came in, he looked up and we met eyes.

" Yoongi?" I asked

" Yeah?" He simply responded and tried to walk past me. I caught him by the wrist.

" Can we talk?" I said. He sighed and nodded. I dragged him to a table and let go of him. We sat down and I took out the picture he gave me the other day. I put it in front of him and pointed at the girl.

" So that's me right?" Then I pointed at the boy. " And that's you right?"

Yoongi nodded. " Do you remember?"

" I-I think so" I responded

" What do you remember?"

" I saw a girl and a boy," I pointed at them in the picture " They were playing catch, but the boy missed the ball and chased it to the street. He didn't see the car coming. A-and the girl pushed him out of the way...S-she got hit" I felt a wet tear roll down my cheek. " S-she, no," I shook my head, " I was sent to the hospital, but he wasn't there. The boy wasn't there. He left me,"

Yoongi took my hand. " He didn't leave you,"

Then my head started hurting. I closed my eyes in pain and held my head.

I saw the girl, I saw me, laying on a hospital bed with a bandage around my head. I looked around confused as in why I was in the hospital. The nurse came in, " Are you ok?" She asked. "Where am I?" She gave me a sad smile and went away.

She went to an old lady who looked worried. I tried to hear their conversation but only managed to hear, " She has amnesia,"

" Sung-mi!" I herd Jin yell.

" Y-yeah," I responded back

" You ok?"

" Yeah, I'm fine just a migraine,"

" God you fucking scared me," He said pulling me into a hug. I was surprised.

" Thanks, Jin," I said pulling away only to see a pissed looking Yoongi. Huh? What's his problem now?

" Ok, Um, I'll be leaving then Sung-mi. Can you make sure to lock the store when you leave." Jin stated

" Yeah, I will, Bye," I said waving at Jin as he walked out the door. I turned to face Yoongi, who still looked pissed.

" What happened to you?" He asked emotionless.

"I think I got a memory back," I responded harshly.

" What was it?"

" I was in the hospital and I heard the nurse say that I had amnesia."

" Wait... Yoongi you said that you didn' leave me. But you weren't there, were you?"

" No" He whispered but I heard

" Why did you leave me?"

"..." Silence 

"Yoongi, why?" 

" My-my parents didn't want me seeing you. They didn't what the blame to be taken upon their son."

" But I needed someone at that time didn't I? I needed my friend, even if I didn't know who he was, even if I lost my memory. Yoongi I needed you" I whispered the last part.

" After that, I remember the old lady sending me away to a foster home. It was horrible. It's been like that all my life Yoongi, and now all of a sudden you want to come back into it? That's not going to happen." I stood up grabbed the picture and my purse. Then started walking away.

I felt Yoongi grab my wrist and turn me around to face him. He suddenly leaned in closing the gap between us and kissed me. His hands on my waist. But my eyes slowly closing feeling a sense of familiarity and melting into the kiss. He broke the kiss.

" I'm sorry," He said

" This doesn't fix anything Yoongi. If you think this kiss means anything, you're wrong. I was still left alone all those years, and I still hate my life and I still want to di-" He kissed me again this time he didn't let go of the kiss. His lips in perfect sync with mine. I wanted it to last forever.

Wait, no I don't. He left me, he was supposed to be my friend now he's kissing me? WhAt ThE AcTuAl FuCk? 


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