The doors are closed
The lights dim
Everyone knows
It will start soon
In the darkness before the stage alights
Many a feelings erupt in the night
From happy to sad to eager to fright
The audience takes in the stage, what a sight!
The lights come up
The actors begin
The house is sold out
The audience starts to impinge
On the lives of the people
Depicted onstage
Excitement goes triple
The actors are engaged
They are not acting the parts
Of the people in the script
They become a different person
And speak with their lips
No matter who it is
An actor can become
A king, or one of his pages
With the use of a skilled silver tongue
The play is now over
The audience applaud
The travelled abroad
And have been awed
By a group of people
Both young and old
They all want a sequel
A sight to behold