Merry Christmas

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Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up to the bed being bounced on by my 4 year old daughter making me giggle. I sit up in Nikas hold, she groans and rests her head against my large baby bump.

"Mommy it's Christmas!" She yelled excitedly, jumping into Nicki, I laughed as her eyes shot open and she grabbed Princess before sitting her on her lap.

"Be careful baby, you could've hurt ya little sister in mommy's tummy." She pouted, making Princess sad, I gushed at them. They're so fucking cute.

"I sowy sissy." She says, leaning over and kissing my bump. That was the cutest thing she's ever done in my entire life. I grab his face and kiss all over it making her laugh.

"That was the cutest shit I've ever seen, hold on lemme take a picture." She said getting up to get her phone, I admire her thick ass as she gets it, then coming back over to sit on the bed. "P kiss mommy's tummy again." She leaned in and hovered her lips over my belly. Then Nika took the picture.

"Cute as fuck." She gushed, kissing me on the cheek before going back to doing something on her phone.

"And..... posted." She says before showing me her phone.

nickiminaj - I am truly the most blessed women in the world 😍😍 Merry Christmas barbs from our family to yours ❤️🌈

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nickiminaj - I am truly the most blessed women in the world 😍😍 Merry Christmas barbs from our family to yours ❤️🌈

"Mommy can we go open presents now?" She asked jumping off, dancing around making me and Nicki giggle.

"Yeah baby, me and mama will be down there in a minute. Don't start opening them yet." I say, raising my eyebrow at her. She nods and runs off, I slowly get off the bed and stretch before walking into our bedroom bathroom. As I start to brush my teeth, Nicki comes up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Which is really just around my pussy since my baby bump in the way.

"You know I'll still bend you over this counter, pregnant or not. You know how you like this makes me feel." She says, kissing on my neck, all I have on is some panties and a loose fitted tank top. My titties is extra big cuz of the baby, so ion really like wearing bras while I sleep. She runs her hands up my shirt and rubs my sensitive nipples.

"S-stop, we gotta go open presents. If your lucky you can have some later." I say, taking the toothbrush out my mouth and pushing her away with my ass.

She smiles and kisses my cheek. "Come on." She says, I rinse my mouth out. And grab my Chanel robe as Nicki grabs hers.

We walk down the stairs hand and hand, walking into the living you, were Princess was watching Paw Patrol(I fucking love Paw Patrol😭).

"You ready to open gifts?" Nicki asked as we sat down on the couch with her. She jumps up and nods excitedly again. I smile back and motion for her to start opening up her presents.

I get up and walk over to the tree with her, sitting down and start to help her open all of her many presents.

"Baby, say hi." I turn to Nicki and see her recording us from the couch I smile, and wave.

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