Rare Child 〔 Tokyo Ghoul 〕

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Disclaimer: I do not own Toukyou Kushu. Really wish I did, though.

I have brought reincarnation fics to the Toukyou Kushu tag. Ha.

Fear it, for it shall spread.

I hope.

Also, sorry this is so short. The next chapter will definitely be 2,000+ words.

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Being reborn into a world where hot swimming men took of their shirts dramatically?

Yes, please.

Reborn into a world where there's man-eating creatures?

Hell no.

So, why exactly am I sitting on a couch ー a very comfortable couch ー watching a show where they explain what ghouls are?

Wait, I know the answer to that ー it's because I have bad luck.

Seriously, even my name sucks. I was named Yukiko, which means "rare child". Throughout my childhood, people have always commented, "Wow, her name really suits her! She truly is a rare child!"

I don't know if I was rare because of my abnormal intelligence for a six-year old, or because of my strange personality.

I had expected I'd get a whole-new personality if I was reincarnated ー because I had a different brain, thus think differently ー but nope, still stuck with my weird one.

But because I kept my personality, I thought like a fourteen-year old. . .or should I say twenty-year old? Anyway, in my past life, I believed ghouls in my favorite manga, Toukyou Kushu, should've been treated differently.

Ghouls eat humans, things that once existed. Humans eat chicken, things that once existed. Ghouls kill other ghouls and humans. Humans kill other humans and ghouls. I'm pretty sure if chickens could comprehend things better, they'd be starting a war with humans. Just imagine it: chickens killing humans with guns. . .

It's hilarious yet a horrible thing to imagine.

But, because of these thoughts of mine, I made it a dream to change this world I now live in. I had two ideas that could maybe change it.

One ー have ghouls and humans live together without killing each other. Like how humans donate their organs to others, they could donate their dead body for ghouls to eat. Although, I'm not sure they'd be happy about that idea. . .

Two ー change ghouls into humans. Kaneki could be turn into a ghoul, so why not the other way around? In all honestly, both ideas had flaws to them, and because of these flaws, they might not work.

But I would spend my entire life finding a way to turn ghouls into humans. I'd study a ghoul's body non-stop. I'll find a way, no matter what. Even if the kakuhou ー the place where the RC cells are stored ー keeps regenerating back, I will find a way.

I went to the library to get any books on ghouls I can. I even picked some out about the human body. Of course, my family found it weird their six-year old daughter/sister/niece/cousin is reading books these complicated.

But thankfully, my mind could understand most of it. Some of the information was too confusing. I also figured I'd become a doctor ー yes, doctor, not nurse ー since I wanted to be one in my last life.

I had my whole life planned out. Well, mostly. But, because of my bad luck, something ー or shall I say, someone ー came along and made me reconsider my whole plan.

Who is this someone? The boy who sits next to me in year one of elementary school.

Kaneki Ken.

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Thank you for reading!

Again, I'm sorry it was short. But because it's a prologue, it'll be shorter than all the other chapters.

Please give me some feedback of what I need to improve on! Just no flaming. Please.

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