chapter 6

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"Yeah! I felt his negative presence so I checked on him!" Dream once again exclaimed still with a bright smile.

I look to Geno as he smiles back at Dream. His smile, so real and wholesome. I can't decide whether it's because of Dream's positive aura though. I find myself smiling because of Geno's happiness.

"Hey Geno, why don't you sit with Dream, Ink, and Nightmare down there," I suggest.

"What about you?" He asks.

"I don't know, what, do you want me to sit with you?" I responded.

"I don't know, you just- do what you want," Geno sighed, heading over to Dream.

I can't help but feel a slight sense of guilt after that. I look at Cross, Melon, and Sans before giving them a confused look before going and sitting with Geno, taking my food with me. Just as I sit, I watch as Nightmare shuffles over next to Cross. It didn't faze me but I continued to sit with Dream, Ink, and Geno.


Sitting with these guys is much better than alone in the hall by my locker. I could feel myself smiling so much and laughing. I was laughing so hard at one point I almost choked. I don't know what it is about Dream but he reminds me of someone, someone who I had the same sort of connection with. After a bit more laughing, I started hurting all over and violently coughing. This caught everyone's attention, especially Reapers.

"Geno?!" I heard him exclaim in a worry.

I had put my bag in my locker and left without my medication. I felt myself cough up blood, it running down my chin along with heavy tears, staining my white shirt and coat. My eye was glitching out of control.

"Geno! What's your locker combo!" Reaper quickly asked standing up.

I sharply breathe in before saying the code in one breath, "21, 13, 11,".

Before I knew it, Reaper had run out of the lunchroom catching everyone's attention. I was spluttering and coughing, clutching my stomach and chest as it began to bleed. It hasn't done this in a long while. The deep red slash across my chest and torso was making a very noticeable streak along my shirt before Reaper came crashing in with my meds and what seems to be his water bottle. He slid onto the chair and shook out a couple pills handing them to me, as well as his water bottle. I didn't think twice before taking the meds and chucking them to the back of my throat before taking his water and taking a sip to help the pills go down. It was a minute or two of me sitting there, waiting for the meds to kick in, everyone worrying if I was okay.

Finally, the meds kicked in and I calmed down, tears still flowing but everything else had come to a stop. I take a deep breath before falling faint only to be caught by Reaper. Only now did teachers come in, they had called the ambulance so there were paramedics waiting just outside the lunchroom doors. Everyone was looking at me, especially Dream, I sent him a smile before turning to Reaper.

"G-get me out of here," I quietly asked.

"Okay," Reaper replied, picking up my meds and putting them in his pocket before picking me and quickly carrying me out of the room.

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