Chapter eight: The 'New' Family

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This is the last chapter, I hope you like it.

It has been a month since the Sackville-Baggs vanished. The past month hasn't been the best for me either. I really missed Gregory, he was the only guy I have liked for real. The first week without them was terrible. I didn't eat for 4 days straight. It wasn't becouse I was in depression but I couldn't bring myself to eat. I was currently laying on my bed doing nothing. Deciding I should call Kaja, I picked up my phone and called her. The ringing went on and on for a few moments until she replied. "Hey Kaja!" "Hey Elena, how are you?" "Well, okay, you?" "I'm great. Iva is coming to my house soon so I'm cleaning it up a little bit." "Oh, okay then I'm gonna leave you to it. Bye!" "Bye, I'm gonna call you later." She said and hung up. I sighed and got off my bed and looked at the mirror. My usual dark brown hair looks like a rat's nest and I have huge bags under my eyes. I looked paler than usual and Gregory's collar still hung around my neck. I haven't taken it off once. Whenever I tried to something held me back from it. My thoghts were interupted by knocking on my door. "Elena, get ready, we are going to the market with the Thompsons." "Mum, must I go?" "Yes, you need a little bit of fresh air." She replied and I heard her footsteps going away from my room. I sighed and opened my closet to reveal everything black. After a few minutes of going through rivers and rivers of clothes I took out my outfit. I was wearing a 'Metalica' shirt with black ripped jeans, black converse and a chain on my hip. I quickly fixed Gregory's collar and took my phone. I exited my room and made my way downstairs where I saw my mom waiting for me. We got outside and everyone was there, waiting for us. I looked at Tony and my eyes softened. He hasn't been talking a whole lot after Rudolph went away. I came up to him and pulled him in a hug. He hugged me back and I felt a small tear roll down his cheek. I wiped it away and we started walking towards the market.

When we got there my mom, Dottie and Bob started buying things we are gonna need. I just looked around the market when my eyes landed on a house which had a 'SOLD OUT' sign. There was a big moving truck parked outside. 'Great more people, I just hope they aren't spoiled brats.' I thought to myself and looked down to see Tony playing with his yo-yo. I smiled sadly at him. Suddenly his gaze moved from me to the house I was looking at before. He looked at it for a couple of seconds before looking back at his parents. He looked at the house again and started speed walking towards it. I looked at him confused until I saw two kids by the house. 'Was he trying to make new friends?' I thought to myself. 'But that's not possible, Tony doesn't like to meet new people.' I started walking towards him and I stod beside him. My eyes landed on the kids across the street. They reminded me of someone. "Hey, it's me, Tony." Tony yelled but the kids just looked at him in a weird way. "Tony, what are you doing, we don't even know them." I whisper-yelled. He looked at me and said. "Yes we do know them. Those are Anna and Rudolph." I looked back at the kids, I mean they did look like them but no way that that's them. I was about to tell Tony to go back with me when he started whistling. It broke my heart looking at him trying to convince them they knew him. The kids stopped dead in their tracks and looked at Tony. The boy was the first to start smiling. I was confused for a moment before it all came crashing down on me. 'Is it really them?' I thought to myself as two grown-ups came. They looked like Fredrick and Freda. I still didn't belive that we would have such luck. I was about to walk away when I stopped dead in my tracks. A boy came and stod beside the man. He wore black skinny jeans, an 'IRON MAIDEN' shirt without the sleeves. But my breath stopped when I saw his face. He looked the same, just not as pale and his hair was a little bit longer. I knew that it was my Gregory. He looked confused until his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened and the apple he was holding fell out of his hand. He looked at me for a few more moments until he mouthed my name. I was in such a shock that I clould only nod my head. No one did anything for a couple of seconds until he snapped out of his transe and ran towards me. I couldn't move or speak as he neared me I fell on my knees and he brought me to his chest, hugging me tightly while whispering 'I'm here' multiple times. I was sobbing so hard but he kept me in a hug just tightening his hold on me. When I calmed down a little bit I looked up to be met with piercing blue eyes. We just stared at eachother for a few moments until he started to lean in. I closed my eyes and felt his soft and warm lips on mine. The kiss was sweet and passionate. We kissed util both of us ran out of air and we had to pull apart. He pressed his forehead on mine and I kept my eyes closed enjoying his presence. After a couple seconds I pulled away and got up. We looked at eachother and I said. "Hi" He looked at me for a few moments util we started to laugh. "Well, hi to you too." he replied. Anna and Rudolph came and hugged me. I patted them both on the back as they made their way back to Tony. "I missed you a lot, you know." I said and looked back at Gregory. "I missed you too." He said and kissed my forehead.

Our parents decided that we are gonna help the Sackville-Baggs unpack while they make dinner. I decided to help Freda with putting the dishes in their place. When we were finshed she said. "Thank you for helping me Elena, you can go and see if any of the kids need help with unpacking." I nodded and went upstairs to see that Anna's room was already done and she, along with Tony, were hepling Rudolph with his room. That only left Gregory. I came to his door which was open a little bit to reveal him folding his clothes. I knocked on the door and asked. "Hey, need some help with that?" He looked at me and smiled before saying. "Sure." I went to the boxes in the corner and folded the messy clothes. Gregory put them in the closed, organising them how he wanted. After about an hour we were done. I sat down on Gregory's bed just as my phone started ringing. It was Kaja. "Hey Kaja!" "Hey, you're on speaker, Iva is here. So anything new?" I looked at Gregory who smiled and winked at me. I blushed before saying. "Well yeah, I have a boyfriend." As soon as I said that they started yelling on the other side. "Omg Elena, who is it? Is it that hot guy you told me about?" Kaja asked with mischief in her voice. "Kaja, his name is Gregory and yes him." "Well, what are you waiting for, put us on speaker." I sighed and put my phone on speaked. "Say hi Greg." I said and looked at him. "hey" he said just enough for them to hear. "Omg he does sound hot." Iva said and I face palmed. "Welp, we gotta go but we'll call you lovebirds later." Kaja said and hung up. I sighed at looked at Gregory who had a smirk on his face. "Don't say anything." I said and he laughed. I yawned and streched my arms a bit. Gregory noticed becouse he pulled me on the bed with him as I cuddled up to him. Before I fell asleep I heard him say 'I love you'.

Well this is the end of the story, I hope you liked it. It was fun writing it. I'm on winter break which means there are gonna be a lot of updates on my secong story. So go and check it out. Thank you for reading this story :).

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