His face

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another hit......
Izuku was lying on the cold ground ,as cold as his heart ,in his whole life he hadnt recieved any love or at least care about him from anyone .His mother abondoned him and his brother when he was 4 years old ,his brother would be beaten by some bullies at school because of him....

-I bring only suffering to everyone by my existence

-i should just die.....

"-hey what are you thinking about" a voice inside izukus head asked him 

- Nothing important ...

"- I know ...you are thinking...about how to end all ogfthis ?"

- Yeah,you"re right 

"-But why ?"

- I really dont deserve to live !

"- Why do you think that way about your life ?"

- Since my childhood i hadnt been anything but just a piece of dust that would annoye everybody around it......i"m just useless ....

"- So thats why you want to die ?"

- Exactly .....

" -Ok if you wish so .....just wait a little longer ,okay?"

- I don"T mind .....

Izuku was lying on the same cold ground ,but now he didnt feel hits ,he felt only the pain ,pain not in his body .....but in his heart .....

After that acident izuku was heading back to his home ,mostly because his brother would be worried ....not because he wanted 

The only thing thst kept him from stabbing him self was his Big Brother....he didnt want to see his brother cry ......he was the only one Izuku loved 


- Hi Brother Mirio ...

- Izuku ,why your hoodie is torn apart ,please dont say to me......

- Yeah it was bullies........again 

Mirio"s POV

It was bullies again ,third time for a week....to tell you the truth a didnt saw izuku smile since he found out that he was ...... quirkless

He always wanted to be a hero ....he alway wanted to save people and bring smiles on their faces ......like...AllMight

- i want  my Litle cheer full cinnamon roll to come back "Mirio thought 

- Mirio let me get into the house "Izuku said as i realised that i was still holding him in my big hug

- Oh h Sorry Izuku ..come in 

- Its ok ,i feel a little bit better now ...thank you Brother "izuku said as he wnt into his room and fallen asleep 

Time skip - "morninig" -

Izuku"s POV


- Another morning of this annoying life..."Izuku mumbled to himelf  
After that he stood up from his bed ,and head towards to bathroom 
 I wash up my face as i stared into the mirror on my reflection 
- Good Morning Izuku !!! " Mirio said cheerfully and smiled !!
- Good Mornong Brother !!Are you going to U.A today?"izuku said as he glanced on his brother ,he was in U.A uniform 
- Yeah ,wanna go with me ?
- No,sorry i plance for today .....
- Ok so you would be alone today ,are you ok with that ???
- Yes of course .."Izuku said in a cold tone 
With that said Mirio was gone 

- So here i am with my thoughts .....alone ,maybe i just need to take a walk ...
With that thoughts in my head i walked out of the house ....
i was walking along the streets of the city thinking about everything 
"- You are thinking about killing yourself again ...."
- Thats you again..can you at least tell me your name or something?
" - Oh i"m just a God that all "
- WHAT !!" I screamed in shock 
Then suddenly some runned into me 
- Oh ..h S sorry "It was a girl with light blue hair ,and pretty cute face 
- It"s Ok .... I"m Izuku Midoriya ,and you ?
- Uhhh um I"m Nejire Hado !!!! "She yelled ,as i saw her starting to blush a little bit 
- Nejire....Nejire ,,,a fammiliar name ...Oh you"re the part of Big 3 at U.A !!!"I said with a little bit more enthusiasm but still in a cold tone 
- Y..yeah i am ,but how did yoou know ?
- Oh its just that my brother tolld me abou you and Tamaki ...
- Oh so who is your Brother then ?
- Mirio is my oder Brother "i said as saw her jaw dropped 
- W..w...what ,so that means that you are Izuku that Mirio always talking about?"She said as she started to study me from top to bottom 
- Yeah ....so it was nice to see you"I said as tapped her shoulder went down the street

 Izuku was just wandering around the citu ,trying to find place that would feet his nneds ....

when he hears a girl scream ,his legs moved by them selves ,he was running as fast as he could !

Screams were getting louder and louder when finally he reached his point of destination he saw two boys in hoodies ,they both had knifes in their hands and one of them had a porcupine qurk 

....and then he saw ,a girl with cuttet arm and needle sticking out of her leg 
- You two what are you doing to her ?"Izuku said in the coldest tone he could ,
- Ehhhh...what do you want bratmwe are just having fun !!! "One of them said as he picked up a girl by her cuttet are ,she was screaming out of pian that it make her ,she was crying out of pain 

- Could you please stop doing that to her ?Izuku said making a death stare a two of guys , that stare made them shiver 
- W..w..what do you want !!! "One of them shoutet ,it was the one with a porcupine quirk 

- I just want you to stop hurting that girl !!! " I said as i started to move foraward to them 
They siver a little bit more 

- Izuku-kun please run away i know about your secret " she said swhile still cry ,no she was crying more because of the pain ,her arm her leg were bleeding 
It was obvious that she knew that Izuku was Quirkless and was more obvious that Mirio said that to her 
- But i wasn"t listening to her ,something inside me triggererd ....i wanted to save her !!!!! " Izuku thought !!!
- IZUKU - KUN NOOO!!"Nejire screamed ,as she saw izuku rushed into the them ,izuku put out a small pocket knife stabbing one of them and knocking him out ...and maybe even killing him 

But then Nejire could only stare as she saw that the second boy made his move 

A giant needle was sticking out of Izuku stoamach ,but he didnt scream he only chaughed with a blood coming out of his mouth 

- IZ ..IZ ..IZUKU - KUN "Nejire screamed and burst into tears ,she couldnt believe that !!!

But izuku was still standing ,the Porcupine boy made a grin of victory on his face then onlu to be stabbed into the neck by izuku 
- At least i saved her "Izuku mumbled a then fall on the ground ....

Nejire ran up to him she cant stop crying ,she puted out the needles out of her and izukus wounds ,but then she realized ......it was too late izuku was already dead


Izuku woke up in the dark room filled with plushies ,he looked around ,only to find a boy around 6 or 7 years old sitting in the center of the room 
- So you did that what you wanted ,now you are dead Midoriya Izuku !!"He said with a smile 

- So as i thought..."I said with cold look on my face as lookd up at the celling 

- So do you want to come back to life?


- Exactly what you heared ,do you want to come back to your life? I was watching after you for a long time anf you were depressed al the time but today you showed me something interesting !!"He said and smiled again !!

- Yeah i was feeling a little bit wierd today ....something strange inside me !!

- So answer my question , do you want to come back to life !?

- I think ...uhm...maybe ,i dont mind "i said as i give him a small smile 


- Oh my god Midoriya you just surprisnig me more and more so i will give you a little present that you deserved ,ok so will see ya" He said as he snapped his fingers !!

Nejire"S POV

OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO "Nejire was crying over izuku"s dead body ""
- HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN .....NONONONO"She just cant stop crying 

She puted her head on Izuku chest,her forehead touching his chest ,
- What i tell Mirio !!!
- How will i live with this!!
- He died because of me !!!
- It"s all my fault !!!

When Nejire felt that some one was patting her head 

- Wh ..what ? IZU ...IZU ...IZUKU - KUN YOU ARE ALIVE !!!"She just hugged Miforiya and buried her face inro his chest 

- I"m glad that you are Ok Nejire-san "Izuku said as he smiled at her a little bit 
That smile just broke her ,she couldn't hold her feeling anymore as her hug tightened and she started to cry 

- It"s Nejire-san ,now we need to get you to the doctor !

- What did he meant by a "little surprise " ? "Izuku thought 

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