Weird feeling in my heart

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Izuku was walking towards the hospital,while Izuku was thinking about surprise that he will receive . 

Nejire's POV 

- He is holding my hand ,he is holding my hand "Nejire thought while extremely blushing ,the she looked at him 

- He didn't notice yet ,but his hand is so soft warm and strong ,I don't want to leave this warmness"

- I...I...iz ...Izuku ,t..t.thank for saving "Oh no I can even talk to him without stuttering 

- it's ok ,I'm glad that you're safe now "Izuku said and looked directly at her

- B..b..but I...I..Izuku I thought you were Quirless how did you survive ?"she asked as her grip tightened "

- Oh sorry didn't notice we were holding hands ,sorry "he said as looked up at the sky and sighed ,he tried to pull he's hand our of her grip but he couldn't her was too tight ,so he decided to let it slide 

- to tell you the truth Nejire ....I don't know how I survived "he said as he had confused emotion on his face .

Nejire was just worried about him 

- why do I worrie so much for him?

- Maybe because he is so kind,and strong even without a quirk...and.......cute ..

- Whaaaaaat am I thinking about"she yelled inside herself  as cheeks that already was red as tomato heat up even more 

- OH MY GOD NEJIRE YOU RE BOWLING HOT "izkuk screamed as he touched her forehead "We need to get you to the hospital !!!NOW!!!

And then they finally reached the hospital ,i sat there waiting for Nejire to come out when I felt that someone touched on the shoulder 

- Oh Nejire ,you are done already ?

- yeah .so let's head back to the U.A

- Ok

When we get back to the U A I saw a blonde boy running towards us was Mirio 

- Oh my god Izuku are you ok?Nejire what are you doing here &Why you two do beaten up?",irio asked with worried look on his face 

- Sorry Brother Mirio we just ....."Izuku wanted to say something but he was cut off by Nejire
- Izuku-kun saved from a villians !!!!!!
- WHAT !!! Izuku saved you?"Mirio said in shock but it was obvious that he was happy !!!

Mirio tun up to his brother and hugged him !!

- Izuku ..i"m so proud of you
- Brother please stop you're embarrassing me "Izuku said with a chuckle
- Izuku is it me ,or you just chukled ?
- Yeah maybe a little bit "Izuku said as he was to his cold tone 

Mirio turned to Nejire with a considered look 

- So Nejire can you say we exactly happened ?
- ........uhm...there was a two boys .....they .......they pestered me.."Nejire said as she was again tearing up"And then "sniff"izuku"sniff"saved me " she was crying again ,as she was thinking about izuku literally dying in front of her eyes

But then she felt two arms wrapped around her izuku hugged felt warm...and safe- There"s no need in tears Nejire-san ,you are safe now and that all that matters "He said but now the tone of his voice was a little bit warmer ,she hugged him back ,she felt something warm in her chest !!- Thank you Izuku-kun...."Nejire mumbled into his shoulder- Just Izuku ....- Thank you......

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