Han Jisung: Ineffable

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Jisung's POV

Her eyes. Her smile. Her laugh. Everything about her was just beyond beautiful. Not a single word could describe how gorgeous she was, inside and out. But of course, she'll never know. After all, I'm only her best friend.

"Is there something wrong?" The sound of her sweet, mellow voice snapped out my reverie. Her once smile, turned into a questionable smirk.

"Nothing. I was just lost in my own thoughts." I answered sheepishly and she cracked another heart-melting smile.

"You're always daydreaming Jisung-ah." She said and stood up, pulling me with her.

"Can't help it, it's what comforts me from the depressing reality." A sad smile replaced her face upon hearing my answer.

We walked towards park outside the cafe whilst talking.

"Reality is not always void and dreary. There's always two ways to look at something. How can you find something mesmerizing if you constantly point out its flaws? How can you call something ugly if you constantly point out its beauty? You only call reality depressing because you don't dare seek for its beauty. Am I right Jisung-ah."

I hated to say it, but she was right. There's always a different side of one's appearance when you look at it from different aspects.

Maybe because of that incident, I decided to look at everything in the wrong way. Because of that incident, my view on every little thing changed.

It's been 4 years since I last saw her. When I last heard her voice, begging for me to move on. Her last goodbye. The last heartbreak that I had to endure.

"Thinking about her again?" Y/N asked and I hesitantly nodded.

"How can I move on when my heart constantly aches at the mere thought of her words? When my eyes well up at the thought of her hand, slowly slipping from my grasp? Everything still hurts, its been so long but I feel as though the wounds are still fresh." I admitted and she held my hand.

"Not everything can be forced Jisung. You really loved her, which is why you find it difficult to move on. She was your first everything. It'll take quite some time to grasp that fact." She comforted.

Of course. It'll still hurt. But you're the cure to this reoccurring pain. Do you know that Y/N ah?

Probably not.

Your POV

"It's pathetic how I am here, still weeping about her while she's long gone, happy with the someone she replaced me with. How could she throw all those memories as if they were just meaningless trash?" He asked me looking into my eyes, hoping that I could answer his questions.

Why couldn't it be me?

Why isn't it me?

Why can't it be me?

I've always been here for you Jisung-ah.

Why can't you see that I won't hurt you.

That I'd love you, better than she could.

I really want you Jisung, but it'll always be her in your heart.

I hope someday, it'll be me. I hope it could be me, and no longer her.

"There's always a reason for something to happen Jisung-ah. Maybe she left for someone better to arrive. To make way for someone who could love you and replace that hole in your heart." I answered him.

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