06 | The Wedding (1)

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It's wedding day! The public had gathered in the wide courtyard of the Imperial Palace of Kou, their eyes wandering in anticipation of the regal couple that was to be wed.

Soon enough, Hyorin and Koumei appeared from the west and east gates, respectively. Arriving at the point of rendezvous, the groom held out his hand—the cue for the bride to alight her sedan chair.

Hyorin could barely see from her red embroidered veil, but the moment she was close enough to see Koumei's face, she almost screamed in shock.

Together, hand in hand, they climbed the grand stairway to meet the Imperial Family.

"This is unfair. Did you think I wouldn't notice?" Hyorin grumbled. Koumei only glanced at her questioningly.

"Where's the real Ren Koumei?"

It was almost a feat how her idiocy did not faze the young prince. After hearing how she mistook a Kama Sutra for a wrestling guide, Koumei was certain that nothing could surprise him anymore. He simply averted his gaze and focused on the flight of stairs.

However, the tenacious Hyorin refused to go down without a fight. She abruptly stopped in her tracks, forcing him to do the same. The entirety of Kou stared at them in confusion.

"Milady," he started with a sigh. "I am Ren Koumei."

"But you look too good to be him!"

Kouen barely managed to resist a laugh when he noticed Koumei roll his eyes. He and the other members of the Imperial Family were too far to hear the conversation, but the First Prince had a good guess of what's going on.

"What is Mei-nii doing?" Kouha, youngest of the three brothers, asked as he watched the couple with furrowed eyebrows.

Koumei finally turned to look at Hyorin. "Forgive me if I had surpassed your low expectations, but make-up exists for a reason."

"But make-up isn't capable of a miracle!"

Koumei's patience had almost reached its limit. So, before he could succumb to the temptation of pushing his bride down the stairs, he simply let go of her hand and walked up.

"Wait!" Hyorin protested and pulled the end of his robes too forcefully than she had intended to.

It was a dreadful moment for Koumei as he slowly felt his center of gravity shift to his back and, in a second, his feet was off the ground. Everyone gasped in unison as they watched the Second Imperial Prince slip off the stairs.

However, in one swift movement, Hyorin caught Koumei by the waist. She immediately apologized and upon receiving no reply, she tightened her grip on him and pulled him closer. Just as she was about to speak, a gust of wind tossed her veil into the air and revealed her face for the entirety of Kou to see.

"Hey, are you okay?" was Hyorin's panicked inquiry.

It might have been due to shock, but at that moment, Koumei could not perceive Hyorin as anything else but beautiful.

When he finally regained his senses as well as his footing, he took her hand again. This time, she did not protest and simply followed his lead.

"Indeed, cosmetics are capable of miracles," Koumei muttered to himself.

• • • • • •

Author's Note:

Part 2, coming soon! Above picture is an example of traditional Chinese wedding dress! You can just imagine Hyorin to be wearing that one!

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