His Brown Eyed Girl

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You and Ashton are engaged and so exited about the wedding coming up, but before the wedding you and Ashton wanted to go see your parents on that lived on the ranch. Whileon the car ride there Ashton: 

Ashton: God I'm so exited but nervous at the same time

You: Why babe?

Ashton: Cause im going to meet your parents. Its kinda of a big deal

You: Don't be nervous, they are going to love you just as much as I do, exept a lot more. (And smiled)

Ashton leaned over since he was drving and gave you a big kiss and said "And thats why you're my brown eyed girl" "And the only girl right?" "Well there no other". 

When you finally got to your parents ranch you jumped out of the car and gave your mom and dad a big hug and even your Golden Retrever Lulu. "Hi Sir I'm Ashton" he said to your parents. "Yes I've heard a lot of good things about you" your mom said while youe dad just stud there and looked at him, like he was a person he's disliked for many year. "Dad" you said "Ashton is an awesome guy and when you get to know him this week your going to love him, ok?" "Hmm" your dad responded. 

Your parents put you and Ashton in seperate rooms but your rooms were right acros from each other which made is easier to see each other during the night. After settling in you go outside to show Ashton around the ranch while your mom and dad cook dinner. Walking to the barn where the horses are Ashton says "Wow! This is beautiful!" "I know right!" "Just like you" you turn around and start making out with Ashton intensly and with a passion. "Exuse me!" you hear, realizing that its your dad. "I thought you guys were going to look around the ranch with Isabel and Spirit?" your dad said "We are dad, we were just about to do that" you responed even tho he didn't seem pleased. 

After taking a tour of the ranch you guys both got back and sat at the dinner table. Your mom insisted that you helpled her in the kitchen to bring out the stuff so while that you left Ashton and your dad at the dinning room table. "Look" said your dad to Ashton "I love my daughter, but I don't love you. I want someone that good for her and not just going on tour all the time and doing drugs and all that crap so I recommened that you break the wedding before its too late and you hurt my daughter." Ashton got extremly offended and angry at your dad and responed "With all do respect Sir, I love your daughter and I would never do anything to hurt her because I love her and I don't do drugs, Im a good clean guy and there is nothing that will break up this wedding" and right away you and your mom walk-in with dinner. "You okay? You seem tense..." you asked Ashton. "Ya, Im fine" he said with a semi-smile that went away fast. 

When everyone was done with there dinner you again helped your mom with the dishes and etc. again leaving Ashton and your dad on the dinning room table alone. Your dad from a smile to a grumpy face look at Ashton and said "Look kid, I'm warning you if you don't end this now then I will and you don't want to try me". Ashton was shocked that your dad would be so cruel and trying to blackmale him. You and your mom walk back in the room. "I think its time for bed you too, at least we are going to bed" your mom said. She kissed you and Ashton goodnight. As for your dad he just kissed you and walked up the stairs to his bedroom and while Ashton and you were walking to your bedroom Ashton was looking back and saw your dad giving him the signal that people make with there hands like "Your dead" and "I'm watching you" gestures. 

When you and Ashton get to your bedroom he immediatly tells you whats up between him and your dad. You start crying in Ashton's arms and just wishing that Ashto and your dad would just be friends and sort out their diffrences. Ashton comforts you while laying on the bed and sheering you up and saying "You'r my brown eyed girl, remeber?" and you agreed and later you and Ash end up having sex. Of course being mad at your dad you confront him in the morning and while that he responds saying "I'ts too late now..." "What do you mean its too late?! Too late for what?!" you said With your mom in the room she interfeared angry at your dad too "What did you do?!" and next thing you knew the cops were infront of your house looking for Ashton. "Dad what the fuck did you do?!" "I, well um, told them that Ashton was an unwelcomed guessed and kept on insisting of staying so I called the police on him" "Why on Earth would you do that!" your mom said about to explode with anger.

You ran to Ashton that was in your room and gave him a big hug and said "Babe, please don't leave me!" "Why" he said "Would I leave you?" with Ashton hugging back and next thing he knew, the cops were looking for him. The cops came in and while hand cuffing him Ashton said "Your my brown eyed girl, remember that! I love you!" "I love you too!" you said back while crying while your mom was doing everything she could to get them to unarrest Ashton. 

"You are unbelivable!" your mom said to your dad "You know what, you are a cruel old man with a bitter soul who doesn't care about anyone but himself!" "Look honey I-" "Stop! You need to see that our daughter is in love with him and you just sent him off to jail 1 month before their wedding all because you don't like him. Well tuff luck because I like him and he is a nice sweet boy who really cares about our daughter and would do anything to protect her. He's in a band, so what! We were crazy when we were young and in love, remember that?" "Ya, I do..." "Then... you need to fix this and fix it now or else! See I can play this game too".

While in your room crying about Ashton and how you can get the love of your life out of jail your dad walks in saying "Pumpkin, I'm sorry. I know I was selfish and didn't think of anyone else but me. I should of been thinking of you and I apologize. Now come on" "Come on?" you said "come on where?" "Where? We are going to go get your future husband!". You smiled and jumoed up and gave your dad a big hug saying "Thanks dad" "Stop  waisting time and lets go!"

You and your dad get to the police station and drop the charges and next thing you knew Ashton was in your arms twerling you around. "I love you my brown eyed girl" he said "And I love you my hazel eyed boy, hehe". Your dad apologized to Ashton and at the end they became friends. 

When it was time for the wedding everyone was there. Your high school friends, family, Luke, Michael, and Calum, and everyone else who really shipped you and Ashton. Hearing that you were now Mrs.Irwin made you the happiest girl on Earth. At the reception you guys danced to the one and only song "My Brown Eyed Girl". It was romantic and touching for you and Ashton becase thats what he called you. And you both lived Happly Ever After.

                                                                                  THE END

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