I thought you are the one

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Rainbow Dash was a CEO of her company, and I'm her assistant Applejack. We are dating secretly for about 1 and 11 months. We keep it a secret because of some humour and gossips. But we really love each other. Of course I act like an assistant to her when a lot of people are looking and watching, but when we're alone, we do what in relationships do. Kiss, cuddle, hug, go to a movie and sleep with each other.

I woke up early in the morning and look at the time, I turn to look at the calendar to see what date it is. And it's 15 our 2nd Anniversary. Me and her didn't meet yesterday because she said on the other day that she'll be busy and I should take a day off.
I quickly get up because of the excitement. I shower, brush my teeth, and wear a cute little dress. And of course my uniform jacket. I pony my hair and pin and blonde bangs. Perfect. I thought and smile at my reflection.

I get my car key, my phone and my bag and run outside my apartment. I open my car and hop in, I start the engine and take my phone. I call Mark- Rainbow Dash guard and ask him is Rainbow Dash is already at work. He said no and I thank him.
I ended the call- I dial Rainbow Dash if she's still sleeping or on the way. But she's not answering. "Maybe still sleeping, or going to surprise me." I can imagine that she's preparing for our anniversary, like flowers and candles. I smile and look at my screen and put my phone beside the driver seat.

I smile and drive to the cake land to buy a red and black cake flavoured Red-velvet with Happy Anniversary at the top of it. I pay the price and went to the pastry shop to buy some sweets. Then I buy four bottles of Alcoholic Cider to the store. After I bought what Me and Rainbow Dash likes, I drive to her house to surprise her and of course she knew it's our anniversary too. So it's not really a surprise. I giggled.

I park the car to the Building and carry the foods I just bought. It's not that heavy because I have a muscle and it helps me to carry heavy things, I got that when I was young- I'm a farmer after all.
Anyway, I walk to the elevator and press the button to 9th floor. I remember that I left the Cider. Damn. Maybe Ill get that later. I thought and smile walking to her room 1175. I open it with the passcode 1127 and walk inside slowly.
Her apartment is huge, so you can't really hear if people are inside of your house. But guard knows who you are so they will let you come in to the apartment-building.

I slowly walk to her room when I suddenly saw a unfamiliar clothes on the floor, my heart is slowly cracking when I heard a soft sound I shouldn't have heard. The things I'm carrying is getting heavy and heavy. Slowly walking to her room and saw the door is not close, so I slowly open it and saw The other girl is at the top of Rainbow Dash half naked.
They're kissing.
They. Are. Kissing.

I feel like my heart is about to explode. I can't breathe properly. I feel like all my strength in my body is being drained.
My vision is slowly blurred. The pain enveloping my heart is too much.
This pain is killing me. It's breaking my bones. It's killing my soul. It's taking away the good side of me.
I drop the foods I'm holding. Together with my tears through my cheeks.
Rainbow Dash looked at me with the wide eyes, and push the girl and quickly stand up, her lips are full of lipstick to her mouth.
"A-Applejack?" She mumbled.
I took a step backward when she started walking towards me.
"I-I'm sorry for not knocking Ma'am. I just thought t-that you're ill because you're not at work. So-sorry for disturbing ." I look down trying to hide my tears and truth, because the girl who's with her is the girl who flirts at her all the time.
"Then go. Now that you know that she's with someone now and we're dating as you can see. You can put that foods at the kitchen and leave." The girl name Rarity said. I can't move for that words, why?
I carry the foods and walk to the kitchen. I heard footsteps- and when I put the foods down, a hand stop me, holding my arms.
I turn to see Rainbow Dash. "Sorry M-Ma'am. I s-should go now." I wipe my tears and move her hands away. "Applejack. Please I can explain." I smile weakly. "It's okay ma'am. I won't tell anyone that I saw you two. I'll just tell them that you're sick." "Applejack. Please." My jaw clenched as I finally turn my back on him. My anger grows strong when she holds my arms again. I slap her hard to her cheek. "You disgust me." I was about to move again her hand when she hug me tight. I cry harder. I know I'm stronger that her, but why can't I move? Why? I don't understand. My tears cants stop falling. I've never been this hurt before. And it's melting every strength I have.

Then Finally I move my body away from her and quickly run away crying, sobbing. And hurting. I open the door, and run to the elevator, I hear footsteps but thankful that the elevator quickly close. After I reach the ground, I run to my car and start the engine and Drive before she run in front of the car.

I saw the Cider at the back and open it. I remember all the memories we both have. The happy ones. Once we share same bed and same love. But what happened? What is this feeling? I take a sip of the Cider while driving to knowwhere. "MAKE IT STOP!" I begged to no one particular. I fealt tears pour out on my eyes and sobs racked to my body, I just wanted it to stop, why did I have to handle all of this, What did I ever do wrong? "Just stop this pain, its kiling me." I was screaming at this point, the pain in my chest growing with every second.

The pain stops. When I hit the truck. Didnt know that I was on the red light. The strong impact- making my car roll all over the highway. I felt a sudden pain. But didnt last like my heart felt. I try to open my eyes seeing Rainbow Dash blurred Face.

No... end this pain please. Because I thought you are the one. I love you my Rainbow.

The End

Hope you guys like it *^*
Make tears in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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