Part three:Dead of night

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\\When Abby and leo arrived they saw you sitting down by the pool crying and looking at the dead body of Maria//
Abby:She did drown!!
Leo:Come y/n,the police will be here soon
Y/n:But she was my best friend
???:Help me!!
Y/n:Who was that?
???:Help me!!mother is coming to get me!!!
Abby:I don't know but it's coming from inside his house
Leo:Let's go
Y/n:Wait what?
Abby:I don't think we can be here
Y/n:*Gets chills*I don't want to be here
Leo:It's ok,we are together
'The basement door opens'
Y/n:Nope!*Walks to the front door*
'The door closes' we have to go in there..
Y/ we have to
Leo:What if there is someone in there..
Y/n:What if there isn't and we walk into a trap!..
Abby:We should check in case there is someone
Y/n:Fine,but I'll stay here
\\Leo and abby entered the basement,you notice something off about Brent's house you never notice before,there were so many things written in his walls,and you knew only you could enter his home//
Y/n:*Reads the walls*"We need you","I'll get you" "Come in and take your friends to the pain","Help me"*Stops reading*
Y/n:Abby!what's wrong!?!?
'Abby runs up'
Abby:Did leo come up here?
Y/n:No and why would you scare me like that,he might be messing with us
Abby:Yeah,im just worried
Y/n:Did you notice the walls,It's all been written on
Abby:What do you mean,there is nothing on his walls
Y/n:Yes there is,like the one behind you it says,"Only two"
Abby:What*looks around*You might be imagining things
Y/n:Yeah,let's go,Leo we're leaving!!!
Abby:Leo stop playing, let's go!
Y/n:He must have left through the back door
Abby:No..he was with me
Leo:Abby..Y/n,why did you guys leave me down there?
Abby:Leo*Hugs leo*Im happy your safe,y/n says she see's things written in Brent's walls
Leo:What do you mean?        Y/n..Y/n,Are you ok?
Y/n:*Reads*"Only two","Why us","She comes","Evil"
\\Your eyes turned gray and you were getting pale//
Leo:Y/n are you ok?Abby call the ambulance
After 5 minutes
*In the hospital*
Abby:*Reads a book*
Leo:Abby..y/n was seeing things in Brent's walls
Abby:Yeah,What about it?
Leo:I went back and took some photos,everything she said is in the walls, everything,it's here in the photographs
Abby:*Looks at y/n*hmm...
Leo:Jessie,boy am i glad to see you again
Jessie:I heard news,why would you put her in danger,you know she get's crazy
Leo:No,she isn't!
Abby:At times i wonder why she is so mean
Leo:Same,but Jessie does whatever she wants
Abby:She could help us
4 minutes later
Y/n:*in head*"Come back"*wake up*Abby,Leo?Hello?
*weird noises,shadows*
Y/n:Im not scared,just leave me alone
\\Blood was in the walls then you read this" look",There was a mirror in front of you//
Y/n:*looks in mirror*
\\You saw Abby and Leo,they looked very scared,but you didn't know how to bring them back//
Y/n:Abby,Leo...what -
Leo:Y/n wake up
Y/n:We have to go..Abby is -
Abby:Y/n,I'm fine..
Y/n:No..we have to go now
Brent's housev
Leo:Why are we here?
Y/n:Trust me..did you ever notice that mirror there?
Y/n:I didn't, but look closely
Leo:*See's something* Y/n...why is there a little girl holding you hand?
Abby:Yeah,there is a little girl with a stitched mouth holding your hand
Y/n:Let me see*looks in mirror*Are you sure,she is holding your hands guys...Hello?
Little girl:Look..mother says to be friends with everyone, want to play with me
Y/n:Play with what?
Little girl:With this*Shows Ouija*
Y/n:No,im good,i have to go
Evil voice:No!!
Y/n:*Turns back*Who are you?
Little girl:Im Tabitha, i live here
Y/n:What year is it?
Tabitha:It's 1989..why?
Y/n:When did you..
Tabitha:*Evil voice*Die!!
Y/n:What the - Oh Lord,please save me
Tabitha:*Evil voice*Ahh!!!,leave me alone
Abby:Y/n?Y/n..are you ok?
Y/n:What happened?
Abby:You looked at the mirror and fainted and you were talking,and said Tabitha
Y/n:Yes!She lived and died here..
Leo:We have to go
In Leo's house
Abby:Why are we here?
Leo:I have 5 computers, for each of us well 3/5 of us...we have to search information about Tabitha
Abby:Ok,but why do you have so many computers?
Leo: Nevermind that, let's get to business
\\Your team and you were looking hard to find information,and finally Leo found it//
Leo:Hey,it says here,Tabitha was an 8 year old girl who died in the house that Brent lived in,she had a sister called Gabriela who was 19 year old at the time,her sister still lives and is 49 years old,Their mother was very mean,she made them play with the Ouija board all the time,only Tabitha got haunted,The mother killed Tabitha because of how many demons Tabitha had in her..
Abby:Whoa that is a lot of information
Leo:Nah,It only gets better Tabitha was*Hears sounds*Did you hear that?
Abby:Yeah it was a loud bump,did you hear that          y/n?..Uh y/n
Leo:Lets check downstairs
\\They walked out the room and saw you in the ground in the bottom of the stairs,you got up and started hitting your head in the wall//
In your world
Tabitha:Are you ok?
Tabitha:what happened to my sister?
Y/n:What do you mean?
Tabitha:*Evil voice*Can't you hear those Voices!!
Tabitha:They kept the writing here as a warning to who ever could see
Y/n:From you!!
Tabitha:*Evil creature sounds*You -
Y/n:*Eyes bleeding*What -
\\You were screaming at the top of your lungs//
Abby:She is tearing blood!    Y/n!!
Leo:Wake up!
Y/n:*Breaths deeply*
Leo:I have some things to cure it in my mom's room,good on
Leo:It's ok y/n,your fine
Y/n:Ok,what happened?
Leo:What -
Abby:Here Leo..
After 20 minutes
Y/n:But then how did i fall?
Leo:We don't know..
Abby:Did you even here any information leo was talking about Tabitha?
Y/n:No..she kept staring at me,she got me distracted
Leo:But then how would you not know why you fell?
Y/n:The room was dark..
Abby:No..all his lights were on,and why was she staring at you?
Y/n:I don't know
Leo:Anyways where was i..oh here,she was killed by her mother
Her sister had problems with Tabitha,Tabitha would try to kill her
Leo:Tabitha would call many demons,she wanted to play around since her sister didn't play with her,she also got abused by Her own mother...
Abby:But why?
Leo:Doesn't say..
Abby:Y/n,can you try to ask Tabitha
Y/n:I can't I fell a couple of minutes ago,I can't just magically call her y'know
Abby:Right..It's night,leo we are staying here
Leo:Fine,Lucky i have many extra beds.

Thank you..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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