Chapter 1

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Living your youth in Madrid is probably one of the most exciting things that can happen in anyone's life, and me Julia and Maria are living proof of that. The city transforms your soul into something better, it gives you the opportunity to become who you really want to be and it lets you be free. I moved here 2 years ago from Elche to go to University and study art and that's where I met Julia who's in my year and Maria who finished two years ago and now has a  rock band. Short after we met we decided that living together would be super fun and wayyyyyy cheaper than having three separate apartments. 

Julia: Ah, I cannot believe I'm actually leaving this apartment. 

Maria: Ai Juli, stop being such a drama queen, you're moving 20 minutes away with Carlos so you can get it on all the time without me and Alba having to hear it. Enjoy!

Alba: Very, very true. Te quiero Juli!

Julia: Y yo a ti cariña. Have you guys looked for a new roommate yet?

Alba: We haven't exactly been able to choose. Maria is being extremely picky. 

Maria: It's just that we need to have someone in the house who understands the soul of a Madrilenean in its 20's. 

Alba: Yeah, yeah Maria I know. Ok, I have to go to work, I'll see you both later. Hopefully, we can find someone to pay rent very soon because otherwise, I am out on the street. 


Moving to Madrid is hard because of everything I have to leave behind like my family, well part of it, my friends and well my hometown...but I believe it is all worth it, because it's just me and my guitar, the way it is supposed to be. 

Natalia(on the phone): Look I'm not coming back ok. I don't ever want to see you or your fucking money! I'll sleep on the fucking street if I have to, as long as I don't have to come back to you ever again!

As I close the phone, extremely upset over the conversation I just had with my dad, I see a blonde skinny girl with long hair and a big smile on her face coming towards me.

Maria: Hola chica! Did I just hear you say you don't have a place to live?

Natalia: Uhh...well I didn't exactly say that but yeah I guess I don't have a place to live. I just got here today...Just me, my troller and my guitar. 

Maria: That's perfect tia!

Natalia: Perfect that I don't have a place to live? That seems a bit insensitive of you to say.

Maria: No, no. It's just that me and my best friend Alba have a 3 person apartment and our other friend just moved in with her boyfriend, sooooo if we don't want to end up living on the street we need another person to live there. 

Natalia: Oh shit...are you serious? Like you're actually not joking?

Maria: That would be a pretty shitty joke man...

Natalia: Joder, you just solved half of my problems...When can I move in?

Maria: Literally right now if you want to. What's your name?

Natalia: Natalia Lacunza. Y tu?

Maria: Maria or La Mari. day just got a whole lot better, now I just gotta find a job to pay for this place. 


Since it is a Saturday, I'm doing my usual: a bottle of wine in my hands while I binge watch some Netflix show. I fell asleep while watching Elite and suddenly I hear the door open and from the couch, I see a shadow. And I know it's not Maria because she always yells "Honey I'm home" when she comes into the house. Luckily the intruder didn't see me so as quietly as I could I went to the kitchen, grab a knife and move closer to the entrance where the stranger was. I start yelling with the knife in my hand. 



I open the lights because of the insane person yelling at me. What I see in front of me is a petite blonde girl with huge beautiful eyes. This tiny person threatening me with a knife was probably the most adorable thing I have seen in a while. 

Alba: Who the fuck are you?

Natalia: Hi... yeah so...I'm your new roommate, didn't Maria tell you??

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