chapter 1

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“Jessica, hurry your slow poke self-down here, the girls are going to be coming soon so you can take them to school, and hurry because you have to eat”

“Mom, I’m coming I have to do my hair”

30 minutes later

As I was coming down the stairs I can hear my mom talking to my bff‘s about some girls coming up missing in San Francisco (that’s where I live), so now I’m hurrying up to get on in the conversation.

“Hey girls!!!!!!!!”

“Hey slow poke “they all said back

“Well let’s go before we are late”

As we were all getting into the car there was this white car with tinted windows by my house blocking the drive through. Now I’m heated cause this wasn’t the first time that I had this happened to me. So Amelia and I went to go see if anyone was in the car to politely ask if they can move their car. As we were going to walk up to the car, the car just pulled off in all speed. Me and Amelia looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders and hurried up and got into the car. Our whole conversation on our way to school was about that white car and who can possibly be in it or whether they watching my house or not.

         We had made it a half an hour before the first bell, so we made it early I don’t know why they were rushing me for, so we all went to are lockers witch are all next to each other. When we were putting all of our books in the lockers I remember that I felt my phone in my car. So I told the girls to hold on while I ran to my car to get my phone, once again Amelia offered to come with me, Natasha and ninny said they will stay and hold our seats in the cafeteria. So me and Amelia went to go to the car and we seen the white car again so now I’m getting crept out. This time the white car was in the school parking lot. Me and Amelia run to my car and on my window there’s a letter that says open me, Amelia and I looked at each other and opened it, it read……

“I’ve been watching you and your friends for a while now and now that you have read this I just wanted you guys to know that you can’t hide know your entire schedule. Now hurry before you be late to math class, and don’t cry it’s okay. Oh and tell Natasha and Nanny that I know about them…..ohh and one more thing you tell anyone about this and your dead”

         Tears overwhelmed in my eyes as I read it, Amelia snatched it from me and read it as well and we both began to cry. I looked in the direction of the white car and it wasn’t there.

         “We have to do something maybe rite back or tell someone” Amelia said

“We can’t he said we can’t tell anyone or were dead” I replied back nearly drowning in my own tears

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