Chapter 1.

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Jordan's POV:

Me and my little brother, Cody were packing our suitcases to go and stay at my dad's house for the summer. Cody is over the moon to go and see him, but I'm not so excited. I remember when my dad left us. It was the middle of the night, a school night, and my dad came to wake me up, only me, not Cody. He told me he and my mum were going through a hard time and that he was going away for a little while. I was 9 when this happened, Cody was only 3. 'Hurry up, Jordan! We're both waiting for you!' My mum shouted from downstairs, bringing me out of my daydream. To be honest, I was packing my stuff slowly on purpose. I didn't like my dad for leaving us like that. And I didn't really want to spend the whole summer in his company. 'Jordan, what is taking you so long? Cody is done already.' My mum asked, screwing her face up at me.

'I don't want to go, Mum.' I whispered.

'Well, you don't have a choice. You are going to see your father, and you will stay there for the summer!' She started to raise her voice. Cody came rushing into my room, begging me to hurry up. 'See. He wants to go.' She whispered again. After a little while longer, I eventually join my mum and Cody in the car. I had my earphones in with my music playing most of the way. Cody was sitting in the front, buzzing about seeing his dad. It was a very long hour drive. 'Nearly there!' My mum shouted. We drove past what looked to be a burnt down Church. 'What happened there?' Cody asked, I paused my music to catch what had happened. 'Um, the Church that was here. It looks like it got burnt down. I don't know which scumbag done it. No one really knows exactly who done it, some people have ideas. Unfortunate, really. It was the oldest building in town.' My mum told us, as we all turned our heads as the car got further away from it.

'Jordan. Please respect your father here. For me, for Cody.' She asked.

'Yes, mum. I know.' I said, raising my voice slightly.

'Don't get caught again!' Cody whispered, hoping that I wouldn't hear him.

'Shut up, Cody!' I shouted. 'That wasn't me okay!' I was caught shoplifting, back in New York. I was caught and arrested for it. I didn't think it was anything big, but my mum never told my dad about it.

The car slowed down. I saw my dad, standing outside his beach house, my heart began to race. Cody rushed out of the car and ran as fast as his legs could carry him, over to our dad and gave him a massive hug. I just sat in the car, and watched Cody act like he knows how his dad is. Watched my mum hug him tightly, eventhough they're divorced now. I deceided to get out of the car. My dad ran over to me, opened his arms wide for me to run into them. No, I just brushed past him and walked along the beach that I would be seeing everyday for eight weeks.

Strolling along the beach, in my black shirt with a cardigan, black jeans and dr. martins on. While every other person on the beach was wearing a bikini. They all stared at me, gave me dirty looks and laughed, but I felt comfortable. I came across this little stand selling food and drink. 'Meduim chocolate milkshake please.' I asked the woman working there. My milkshake was ready within seconds. But even she gave me weird looks. I walked back slowly, making my way back home, when I saw a big crowd. Shoving through everyone, they all shouted at me, telling me to go around, but I payed no attention. I finally made my way through all the people, but then a random shirtless boy, bumped into me, spilling my shake all over my shirt. 'Oh my, I'm so sorry!' He said, holding his hands up as if I were the police. I heard all of the pretty girls laugh and whisper. 'Well, I'd rather drink it than wear it, but..' I told him as I walked away. Then another boy randomly started speaking to me.

'Hey. Um, I'm Ollie. I saw what that idiot done to you.' He told me.

'Hi. Do I know you?' I asked, still walking.

'No, you don't. But I want to know you.' He told me, walking backwards next to me.

'Weird.' I finally lost him. It seemed like he just disappeared from my side. I just kept walking along the beach, avoiding going home. Somehow, I ended up in the middle of a funfair. I saw a little table, with some shirts on it. However, all of the shirts I picked up, had some sort of weird thing printed on it. 'Oooo, unicorns.' Someone said to me, as I picked up a shirt with a printed unicorn on it. 'Come with me. I know a better place.' She said, as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

'So, what's your name?' I asked her.

'Skye. I hate it, but..what can I do? My boyfriend calls me floor as a joke, but, I don't find it funny.' She told me. Skye lead me to another table selling shirts, nicer ones. I picked up a short sleeved, orangey top, for £10. It would do. 'You have to meet my boyfriend, his names Daniel. Come, come meet him now.' Skye came out with. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me along the beach again. It was now dark, and all I saw was a flame and a circle of people. Skye and I pushed to the front to see three people, one of the being Daniel, throwing fireballs around. 'He's the one with the hat.' She stated. He wasn't all that good looking.

When Daniel is finished, he and Skye lead me to a stand, selling keyrings, and we just speak. They asked why I was here and where I came from. Before Daniel spotted Ollie, and his friend. 'Oh, come over here.' Daniel whispered, walking over to them. I stood back, knowing something was going to happen. Daniel went behing Ollie's friend, putting him in a headlock and saying 'Hey! Jakey boy! You don't hang out with us anymore! Why? Huh?' Daniel shouted.

'Get off him!' Ollie bellowed, pushing Daniel of Jake. 'I said get off him!' He said again. Skye was just stood there with her arms folded, laughing at what Daniel was doing. When Ollie finally got Daniel away, Skye jumped on his back and they walked off together. I followed them.

Skye and Daniel lead me to some campfire, with rock music playing. I was sitting alone while Skye was sat on Daniel's knee. 'Drink?' Skye asked Daniel. He nodded. Skye left me and Daniel alone. 'You seem like fun.' Daniel whispered, as he made his way over to me. He placed himself directly next to me. Linking his arm in mine. 'Get off.' I murmered.

'No. Come here.' He breathed.

'Don't touch me.' I shouted, trying to make him hear me over the music. I tried to stand up but Daniel carried on trying to get me on top of him. I knew he was drunk, but still. 'Don't you ever touch me.' I screamed, storming off home.

It wasn't a long walk home from the beach. But when I arrived home, I heard my dad playing the piano. I walked into the house and slammed the door shut behind me. 'Dad!' I bellowed. 'Are you going to play? Are you going to play, Dad? Because if you are I'm sleeping outside.' I whispered to him. My dad took his hands off the piano, and looked me in the eye. 'Why did you stop playing, Jordan? Why?' I rolled my eyes and looked away, avoiding making eye contact again. 'It's stupid. You got into Juilliard, Joran. Why would you give it up. Fine, be pissed at me, but don't stop playing. You're too talented.' He carried on.

'Are you done?' I asked.

'Yeah. But Jorda-'

'Good. Night.' I inturrupted. I couldn't stand another one of his lectures I was so used to having before he left. I stormed into my room. As I took my my cardigan, then my top, I heard Cody. 'Before you get completely naked, you should know I'm here.' Cody said.

'Get out of my room you freak!' I shouted, pointing at the door. Cody told me that we had to share a room. I hated it to be honest, I've always had my own, personal space. 'Um, Jordan. Listen. Can you please just be a little bit nicer to dad? He is trying, just give him a chance. Don't be too hard on him, cause..because I don't want to loose him again, you know'

'Don't, Cody!' I whispered, quickly walking over to his bed. 'Don't say that, OK. You won't loose him, you never have and you never will. Go to sleep, Cody. I love you.' I told him, trying to reassure him.

'Love you too.' He whispered, turning his back to me and heading off to sleep. I sat there, on Cody's bed, stroking his brown hair, thinking about what he just said. I thought about it for a while, until I was too tired to even sit up.

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