Moment of Terror

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I stare blankly at the snow white walls. I feel trapped. My worst thoughts cosume me and it's getting harder to breathe. I'm nineteen, I'm not supposed to be in this situation. After what happened last night, I'm expecting the worst.

The door abruptly opens and the middle aged doctor walks in. He's holding a clipboard. He gives me a pensive look. He shuts the door softly and stares at the clipboard for a moment longer. I can smell the rustic scent of medicines radiating off of him.

As he takes forever to tell me what the results say, I remember the events of last night. My boyfriend of 3 years, Josh left for France for his job. As soon as he left I remember cuddling with my blanket and falling fast asleep in my bed. At around 2:30 am I woke because of a sharp, stabbing pain in my chest, that has been coming back every night for some time now. My body was sweating buckets, my joints hurt like hell and I was shaking. I took a painkiller then tried to fall back asleep. At 3:30 am the pain had gotten worse and I had developed a migraine. I tried to call Josh but there was no answer. The pain had gotten unbearable and tears started flowing down my cheeks.

I called a cab and it took me to the hospital. I had to wait 4 hours before someone could take care of me. They did bloodwork on me and hooked me up to an IV. I couldn't stop thinking about the clear liquid that was seeping into my veins as I sat in the hospital bed and awaited the doctor to return with the results. The liquid took away the pain, it did the trick for now.

Which brings me to right now, in this moment of terror.

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