Chapter 6/Oh no!

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Drew have been absent for like a week and I was kinda worried, but Kendrick told me that he'll be fine, but still I'm worried. I wonder what could have happened to him. One day I had a call from Steven Drendell, part of his nine gangster. He told me that Drew was at the hospital, so I quickly went to the hospital with Kendrick. When I went to the hospital I saw his nine gangster inside his room, so I went in with Kendrick then the one of his gangster, Jeremy Caldwell, told the other gangsters "Let's give them a privacy." So Steven told Kendrick to go out, so only I and Drew is inside his V.I.P room in the hospital. I was suiting beside Drew's bed looking at him while he sleeps. I touched his pointy hair then I touched his eyebrows then he woke up. I said "Oh! Sorry for waking you up." Then he said it's fine then he faced the other way, then I looked at him the other way and said "I love you so much Drew! Can't you even see it? I understand you being jealous because I know you love me so please forgive me. I promise to hang out with you ok? Then he said "You promised?" Then I said "Of course!" Then he hugged me tightly with his warm skin. Kendrick went in the room and saw us hugging so he went out. Well it was a few hours later, me and the nine gangsters went to his room, while I told Kendrick to go back home. The nine gangsters respect me a lot because Drew told them so. I asked them "What really happened to Drew? Did this happened because of me?" Then one of them said "Well I don't know, but after you two fight, he became in happy then his not eating and he locked himself up, until one day he never called and never went out if his room so we went to his house and visited him. His door was lock, I asked him to open the door but no one is replying me, so I ask the maid to open it but she don't like too, so I got the key and when I went in, I saw him lying on the floor with your picture on his hand. That all I can say." So I told them "This is all my fault! I really love him, but the problem is he easily become jealous! But I will take good care of him already".

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