❥ pocky prank 『t. ieyasu』

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Game: Ikemen Sengoku (Cybird)
Characters: Tokugawa Ieyasu
Reminder: This is a Modern AU!

Hideyoshi was walking along the hallway while looking around him, indulging himself in the peace of the day.

Just then, he saw Y/N running along the path he's taking in full speed. She looks as if she's in a hurry.

"Hey, Y/N! Don't run along the hallway! It's dangerous!"
Hideyoshi shouts at her with his eyebrows furrowed. Since he notices her earlier, he steps aside a bit so they don't collide with each other. In the first place, the hallway is pretty wide so he doubt she'll bump into anyone as long as she's careful enough.

"Sorry, Hideyoshi! My life totally depends on this!!!"
Y/N runs past him while waving a bit. Hideyoshi's gaze follows her as she slowly fade from his sight. He has an obvious confused look on his face.

He look at her back questioningly.


There was a strong gust of wind passes him, as if someone just run passed him with incredible speed. It was so strong that Hideyoshi was thrown off balance and falls on his back.

He asks angrily while looking back.

He exclaims surprisingly when he saw the one who was running passed him with inhuman speed was Ieyasu. Ieyasu never look back at Hideyoshi as he runs along the same path Y/N just took. He has a scary look plastered on his face.

Flashback to some minutes ago

"Hey, Ieyasu! Let's play pocky game."
Y/N suddenly suggested out of the blue while holding a box of chocolate pocky after putting down her school bag on the table. Ieyasu was taken aback by her suggestion and a blush slowly crept up his cheeks.

"NO. WAY."
Ieyasu rejected her sternly and turned his face around to avoid looking at her.

"What~ I had this box of pocky and don't think I can finish this myself so I thought it might be more fun to finish it if we do a game. You're no fun at all, Ieyas---"
Y/N stopped complaining when she stared closely at Ieyasu who is now completely facing the other way.

She could only make out the redness of his ears and finally came to a conclusion.

"Oh, are you blushing~?"
Ieyasu flinched at her question, proving that she's correct. She smiled mischievously behind him.

"Why are you blushing, huh~? Did you thought we're going to kiss~?"
She teased him more and he seemed to lose his composure as moments passed by.

"Urghh....Stop it!"
He finally snapped and turned around to confront her once and for all.

As soon as he did so, he was presented with a surprising view. Y/N's face was inching closer to his with her eyes closed. Ieyasu freaked out silently at the sudden incoming kiss.

He then finally relaxed his shoulders and decided to go with the flow. He closed his eyes and leaned closer to meet her lips.

His lips were about to touch Y/N's when suddenly,

Ieyasu's eyes widened when he heard a sudden laughter. He looked up to see Y/N clutching her stomach, an attempt to contain her laughter from bursting out.

"Pft...I-Ieyasu...do you really think...pft...I'd suddenly kiss you like that???"
Y/N said in between her small laughter. She finally couldn't contain her laughter anymore and burst it out while clutching her stomach.

She was laughing so hard that she didn't even notice Ieyasu's bloody red face is now facing down. After her laughter died down, she looked at Ieyasu that was quiet the whole time she was laughing.

She was suddenly hit with a sudden feeling of guilt when she saw Ieyasu not responding.

«Uh oh, did I went too far?»
Y/N thought while trying to touch his shoulder. To her surprise, Ieyasu jerked his head up. Y/N could now finally see his reactions. And it's totally not a welcoming reaction for her.

"Uh oh...."
She exclaimed silently before breaking off into a run with Ieyasu chasing her behind like a predator chasing its prey.

Flashback ends

Y/N shouts loudly when she was suddenly trapped between Ieyasu's hands that was slammed against the wall.

"There's nowhere to run now..."
Ieyasu says darkly in a low voice while inching closer to her.

"I-I'm sorry...."
A small tear forms in her eyes as she shrink back helplessly against the wall with Ieyasu's face only inches apart from her.

The End

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