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park jimin is crazy, to begin with.

he has been crazy ever since he was two.

he killed his own parents when he was two.

even as a little kid, jimin's brain developed fast, and he understood what older people were saying. that's how he knew his parents wanted to either put him up for adoption or take him to a therapist.

jimin hated that his own parents thought about him like this. but no one can blame his parents.

when jimin was six months old, he would grab the control and change the channel to a killer channel; where people kill other people for fun. when jimin was eleven months old, he somehow had gotten to climb on the kitchen counter and he grabbed a hold of a knife.

later, when his parents found him, jimin was killing their pet fishes.

mr. and mrs. park became worried over their son and wondered what could have happened to him to make him this crazy.

"honey, he's barely two years old," his dad says. "maybe that's just a phase two-year-olds go through." 

"so every two-year-old tries to kill their own pets?" mrs. park raised an eyebrow.

"i didn't necessarily say that, but maybe jimin just needs some time normal," mr. park says.

mrs. park sighs, rubbing her temples. "park, jimin doesn't need time. he needs help."

"no. people will look at us differently if we do," mr. park disagrees.

"then what do you suggest?"

"we put him up for adoption."

"park, he is our son!"

jimin turns away from the door, he wanted to hear no more. he starts walking toward his room. when he gets there, he climbs on his bed and lays on it, looking up at the ceiling. 


it is currently two a.m. and the park household is quiet. mr. and mrs. park are asleep, but jimin isn't. 

he slides off his bed and walks toward the kitchen. jimin grabs a chair and climbs on it to switch the light on. he slides off the chair and walks toward the kitchen counter. he grabs a hold of the knobs on the cabinets and pulls himself up.

he smiles once he reaches the top, and pulls out the thing he wants and needs.

jimin slides off the counter carefully and starts walking toward his parent's room. he quietly walks in, trying to not make any noise. jimin quietly opens his parents' bedroom door and peeks in.

mrs. and mr. park are sound asleep, breathing normally. jimin smiles and walks into the room quietly. he tip-toes toward the edge of the bed where his father's side is at.

jimin stares up at his dad. the man that claims to 'love' him. jimin wickedly smiles and climbs on top of the bed. mr. park must've sensed the bed go down a little since he opens his eyes. jimin quickly hides what he has behind his back.

"jim? what are you doing here?" mr. park asks sleepily.

jimin doesn't respond. instead, he just smiles.

"did you have a nightmare?" 

jimin nods, obviously lying.

"aww, sweetie. come lay down, then." mr. park makes some room between him and jimin. the boy smiles and pretends to be relieved when he lays down.

"good night, jim."

mr. park closes his eyes once again and starts falling back to sleep. jimin smiles wickedly once again and sits up. he climbs on top of his dad and raises what he has in his hands.

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