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Chanel's POV

"Whoa, this is nice." Fay says as we all look around. We weren't the only ones gazing. Just ahead of us I see four guys.

"Wait here I'll go get our rooms." Sydnie says walking towards the front desk. Just then someone bumps into me from behind and I turn around to see a handsome boy with dark curls, and pretty green eyes. Then he steps aside and there's a pretty girl behind him.

"I'm so sorry babe." he says reaching out to me.

"Oh it's fine. No big deal." I say and smile. He starts to smile back then my view is blocked.

"Hi I'm Fayley; Fay for short." she says stepping in front of me. Of course..

"I'm Harry. This is my sister Ashleigh. I need to go get our rooms, but I'll be back." he says flashing a perfect smile and walking off.

Louis' POV

"Three room suite, correct?" the lady asks.

"That's it." I say and out of the corner of my eye I see someone walk up next to me. I turn and it's a girl; a pretty girl. "Hey," I say and she looks at me.

"Hi," she says quietly.

"I'm Louis." I say holding out my hand.

"Sydnie," she says and shakes my hand.

"Sir here are your keys." the lady says handing them to me. "Name?" she asks Sydnie.

"Sydnie Nipper."

"Also a three room suite?" the lady asks looking at her computer.

"Correct." Sydnie says.

"Who are you here with?" I ask her.

"My four friends right there." she says pointing. "And you?"

"My four friends, over there." I laugh pointing to them.

"Well hello." a curly haired boy says walking up. "I'm Harry, and you are?" he asks smiling at Sydnie.

"I'm Sydnie." she smiles back, and I think I see her blush. I roll my eyes, a tad jealous.

"Well I should get going." I say and then to leave.

"Ok, well we should hang out sometime." Sydnie says before I walk away.

~~(no ones POV)

Louis walks back to his friends, and they start discussing their rooming situation.

"I deserve to have my own room, I'm paying for this trip." Zayn says.

"I drove here." Justin argues. Then Louis gets an idea. He walks over to a girl who is standing alone, and grabs her hand.

"Hi, could you help me for a minute please?" he asks.

"Sure why not?" she answers and he drags her back to his friends.

"Guys I know what to do. I'm sorry what's your name?" Louis asks.


"Ok, Ashleigh here is going to pick a number between one and fifty and whoever is closest gets his own room. So Ashleigh, pick a number please." Louis explains.

"Okay, I got it." she says.

"Twenty-three." Justin guesses.

"Forty." Liam says.

"Nineteen." Zayn chooses.

"Thirty-three." Niall says and they all look at Louis.

"Seven." he says with confidence.

"Ot was twenty-five; purple shirt wins." Ashleigh says pointing to Justin.

"Always!" he exclaims and starts dancing. Meanwhile back at the front desk, Harry and Sydnie hit it off, and decide to hang out later. How fun will this be?

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