The 2 dogs

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The world was now upside down. Potaeto was sad from the fight and now V is obsessed with fries but kind of obsessed not fully. ( I see that he caught the contagiousfriesaddict flu YES THAT IS A THING IN MY WORLD) While V was eating fries, he was thinking of ways to cheer Potaeto up. Like what makes her happy? She usually watches TV often of Teletubbies. Dogs? Maybe that would work? Would she be happy? I DUNNO. She locked her self up in her room but she could open the door so eh.. she locked it but technically didn't cause she could open it whenever she wants to. Well V can't open it.

ME OH MY this is complicated stuff.

Anyways back to the life of the random genetics Family.

V was thinking whether he should buy things related to Teletubbies or buy 2 dogs. ( 2 dogs because their rich and the more the happier) V then decided the best would be the dogs as they are fluffy walking thingys. He went online to buy two and their were so many from bold dogs to fluffy ones where you could barely see their faces. But V had two in mind.

Then Finally he found them:

Then Finally he found them:

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This ones name is Windy. She's very small and probably the size of your whittle cup. Welcome to Windy's little kingdom.

This one is probably the opposite of Windy

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This one is probably the opposite of Windy. Her name is Sugy. Named after suga. She's like the size of a human but taller then me. She tries to act cute but never succeeds. But she was known for number 1 on Prettiest dog AROUND THE WORLD!

As he bought them home PoTaeTo was crying. She was on the front yard looking for someone. V didn't know who so he honked the car. As soon as PoTaeTo saw him, she stopped crying and V knew what she was crying about. She was crying about how she wanted French fries so bad! As V stopped the car, the dogs jumped out chasing PoTaeTo. Sugy jumped on her and PoTaeTo soon fell on the ground. She stood up and saw that she was growing hair. She was surprised and had to go to the hospital. Is she having cancer? What is going on?

She had a serious case of growinghairpia and had to get surgery. To cut the hair from inside. YA!

The end sorry for not being active. 😭
This one isn't the best chapter because i was rushing sorry. 😭😭😭😩

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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