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"Another nightmare?" Raphael asked sleepily, turning toward Simon.

Simon abruptly sat upright and simply nodded. Still exhausted, Raphael sat upright and placed his arm around Simon. He had been sleeping peacefully until being awakened by the sound of Simon's screams.

"Is there anything I️ can do, mi amado?" Raphael asked.

Still not look at Raphael, Simon shook his head.

With this, Raphael's expression turned more serious.

"Hey, come on. Talk to me," he whispered.

Simon looked down and back up again. He swallowed.

"When I️ was a kid, I️ used to have nightmares. I️ also used to be afraid that there were monsters under my bed. Now I️ am the monster, and when I️ wake up it's all real," Simon said, before turning to Raphael and revealing the broken expression on his face.

Raphael removed his arm from Simon's shoulders and squeezed his hand.

"You're not a monster. Not to me, anyway," Raphael reassured.

Simon shook his head. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"I know, I know. It's just that all it takes is me having a bad day or forgetting to feed for someone to end up dead and that just scares the crap out of me, Raph," Simon admitted.

Raphael placed a hand on Simon's shoulder.

"Simon, you are so much stronger than any bad thoughts or urges," Raphael said.

Simon bit down on his bottom lip and looked down toward the bed sheets.

"No, I'm not. On the night I️ first turned I️ lost control and if Clary hadn't been there to stop me...I️ would've killed my own mother," he confessed, choking up.

"That isn't your fault, you know that. You were new and hadn't learned to control yourself yet. You don't have to be afraid," Raphael said.

Simon leaned on Raphael and Raphael responded by kissing his boyfriend's forehead. He then began to run his fingers through his hair.

"It's all going to be okay," Raphael assured Simon.

Simon gave a slight smile.

"I️ love you," he said.

"I️ love you too," Raphael replied.

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