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The song above is what I imagine Larry's voice would be like.

Sal pov

I'm sitting in my bedroom thinking, then thinking turns into worrying, worrying turns into crying, crying turns into hearing things. 'fat!' 'worthless!' 'waste of time!' 'coward!' 'trap!' 'slut!' 'fag'. They keep repeating over and over. "STOP IT! SHUT UP!" I screamed. (his is on a business trip so no one is home) Then I hear a familiar sound. "Hey Sally face." It is my best friend and crush. Larry Johnson. I calm myself down before answering."Sup Larry face." " Want to come down and watch crappy horror movie?" "Hell yeah!" I jump up putting back on my prosthetic and packing my bag planning on staying at Larry's place. After I'm all packed I feed and water my fatass cat. "Gizmo I'm going to Larry's watch the house." "Meow reow." He rolled his eyes and went back to watching tv. He is the weirdest cat I have ever seen. I write a little note for dad just in case he comes back home before me. I run out of the house making sure I lock the door then I run to the elevator and get in put in my keycard Lisa gave me. On the way down I start to think which leads to the voices to come back screaming the same garbage again. I tried to block them out just in tell I get to the basement but they start getting louder and saying things about me and Larry. 'he will never love you!' 'he will hate if you confess!' 'you are to ugly for him!' The elevator ringed and open the doors telling me to get out. I noticed that I'm crying, I calm down the best I could and then step out heading to the only apartment down here. I think about knocking but decided against it ' I've came down here so many times I should just be able to walk in!' so I do. I immediately notice somethings off instead of hearing head banging worth music I hear soft mellow music."Odd? Well whatever." I walk over the door with a 'DO NOT ENTER' sign on it. "Your not the boss of me!" I enter seeing Larry painting, so I just flop on to one of the bean bags. "Hey Larry face." He jumped and then blushed "Awe did I scare the painter boy." I laughed. "Hey Sally face. Yeah I didn't hear you come in." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck."I thought you would on count of the music. And what's with the music anyways. Are you going soft on me?" "Oh yeah I just thought a change of music would be nice. Do want me to change it?" "Oh no I actually like it. So what you painting there?" I tried to look but he was blocking my view. "Oh this it's nothing just the usual." He's blushing weird maybe..not he can't like me. "Come on let me see." I get up trying to see it. "No it's not even done yet." "I don't care let me see it." "No!" "Come on!" I jump on him trying to knock him over so I can see it, but I failed and just landed in his lap. "Uhhh." I can feel myself starting to blush. He is in shock just sitting there with his hands in the air, I look over at the painting seeing that it's a very realistic picture of me it looks like someone just took a picture of me. "Woah that is so good, why would you want to hide this from me?" He just starring at me. "Hello!" I wave my hand in front of his face snapping him out of his daze. "Well..Uhhh.. I just... you are so beautiful." I noticed that my 'mask' fell off when I jumped on him. I start to panic not wanting him to see my true face, I cover up my face with my hands and started to cry. "Oh no there's no need to cry. You are beautiful." He pulled my hands off my face and looked into my eyes. I start to mealt in his gaze he just so perfect his dark brown eyes, his long brown hair, tan skin. 'Damn'

To be continued!

Hugs, Kisses, and something else : Sal x LarryWhere stories live. Discover now