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I was in the mental hospital, so I'm so if I'm out of touch

Sal's pov

I woke up in Larry's arms, I blushed bright red. I looked over at the clock, seeing that they were going to be late. "Larry." I shook him softly at first, but when that didn't work I shook harder. "Larry! We are going to be late!" "What!" I look at his slightly angry face. "We are going to be late." I blushed brighter kinda feeling bad about waking him up. "Fuck school!" He yelled and turned back over to go to sleep. "Come on!" I tugged on his shirt which didn't do much. He sighed loudly. "Fine." He got up and started getting dressed, when he took off his shirt I could see his chest and stomach. He was quite fit he has the faint outline of a six pack, but I can see little tiny scars on his stomach. "What are those?"  I said, walking closer to get a better look. "Oh, those they're nothing." He said covering his stomach seeming to be a little bit I don't know, scared. 'I know I've seen something like that. Wait! I have those.' I lifted my sweater up showing my stomach that is covered in similar scars. We both kinda just sit there looking at each others stomach. "Why?" We both say at the same time. "I mean shit look at me. I'm a stick with a blueberry for a stomach." He said. "Your my stick with a blueberry stomach." I hugged him. He chuckled and hugged back. "I love you." I said then stood on my tippie toes to kiss him. He kissed back after smiling, we stood there kissing for a while until Lisa barged in yelling. "Time for school Larry!" She stopped when she saw us kissing shirtless. We pulled apart, both of us blushing bright red. "Mom, it's not what it looks like!" She ran out. "He better still be pure!" We started to put on new clothes when I noticed that I forgot to pack a new shirt. "Hey Larry can I borrow a shirt?" I said, looking up at him. "Of course."  He said handing me a sanity falls shirt. I put it on and it almost reached my knees, Larry looked down at me laughing. "You're so short." "Fuck you!" I laughed, putting on my 'Mask'. When we were completely dressed we grabbed our backpacks and start to leave when Lisa said. "Stay pure!" We walked out the door and I grabbed Larry's hand blushing behind my mask. He gave my hand a gentle squeeze making me smile. 'I don't deserve such a wonderful man.' He looked down at me. "What is going on in your little head." He said snapping me out of thought, I looked up and smiled then I remembered that he can't see my face. "You." I said, making him blush. We arrived at school, we were still holding hands so he shoved our hands in his pocket so no one would see. Travis walked up to us and said. "Hey freak." "Hello Travis." I said, I could feel Larry getting angry so I squeeze his hand telling I could handle this. I started to walk past Travis when he pushed me making me fall letting go of Larry's hand. "What's your problem!?" Larry pushed him against the lockers ready to punch him. I got up and pulled Larry off him. "Oh look, your boyfriend here to save you." Travis said smirking. "So what he's my boyfriend!" Larry yelled and everything stopped. No one was moving, no one was talking. Everyone was looking at us, Travis' eyes were wide and his mouth was open. I started to panic at all the eyes on us, I grabbed Larry's hand and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat against it

To be continued I promise the next one will be smuty 😏😉

Hugs, Kisses, and something else : Sal x LarryWhere stories live. Discover now